So, recently linked to this: ... 053fr.html
It's pretty dense reading and I'm a long way from done, but the highlights so far seem to be: 1, the call to regard association with the Tea Party movement as a warning sign of political activity bigger than the relevant tax category was designed to allow was made internal to the department, not just the IRS, and without any outside pressure whatsoever. 2, the people who were handling these cases thought that they were supposed to put them on hold while waiting to hear back from another department about what criteria to use, which turned out to be a flat-out misunderstanding. And 3, about seventy percent of the organizations flagged were, in fact, mucking about in politics while pretending to be garden clubs.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
It's pretty dense reading and I'm a long way from done, but the highlights so far seem to be: 1, the call to regard association with the Tea Party movement as a warning sign of political activity bigger than the relevant tax category was designed to allow was made internal to the department, not just the IRS, and without any outside pressure whatsoever. 2, the people who were handling these cases thought that they were supposed to put them on hold while waiting to hear back from another department about what criteria to use, which turned out to be a flat-out misunderstanding. And 3, about seventy percent of the organizations flagged were, in fact, mucking about in politics while pretending to be garden clubs.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."