Sending a battlegroup in the general direction of Ukraine risks making the entire situation spiral out of control even faster. The last thing anybody in Europe wants is a war in the Ukraine. There's fuckall there but fields, an atomic disaster and a gaspipe. Nothing worth going to war over. Especially in a country so visibly split down the middle as to form a quagmire for whoever wants to step in first.
Not to mention the fact that, generally, the nations of Europe rather don't want a war. And they certainly aren't interested in starting one for someone else. For reasons that should be very obvious. War for America in general means a few caskets on a plane every now and then and some white crosses on a foreign field followed by some kickass video games. War for Europeans conjours up entirely different images....
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Not to mention the fact that, generally, the nations of Europe rather don't want a war. And they certainly aren't interested in starting one for someone else. For reasons that should be very obvious. War for America in general means a few caskets on a plane every now and then and some white crosses on a foreign field followed by some kickass video games. War for Europeans conjours up entirely different images....
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?