Quote:robkelk wrote:Yes Phil Valentine is a Radio Talk Show host, he narrates and produced the movie, here is a link to the wiki on it. The long, short and point of the movie was and is that it refutes Al Gore's "Movie" (wiki link, Trailer link)Quote:Rajvik wrote:Who is Phil Valentine, and where did he earn his science degree? (The only "Phil Valentine" I can find in a quick search is a talk-show host - if we're counting them as reliable sources, then somebody's going to start citing Jenny McCarthy on vaccines...)
As is cherry picking your data to support your hypothesis Rev. That was just the first site I came to, I could have linked Phil Valentines little movie as well.
Ordnance, part of me wants to revert the argument back to you saying that if your right and we do manage to accomplish something along those lines and "reverse the global warming" you can tell me you told me so, but if i'm right we've possibly created the next ice age. But that's the part of me that is a jackass. As for "What will we do" if i'm wrong? The short answer is adapt, its what we humans are good at. How will we adapt, i don't know off the top of my head, but we will. What i refuse to do is join in the panic that seems to fill the media because "This is the next thing that will kill us all"
I'll look for it later on but i don't think we've even hit the temps that the world had during the Mid evil warm period, so we would have a lot of room to work with considering they were supposedly cultivating parts of Greenland during that point in time that as of 1950 were still permafrost. Also, lets just look at temp trends and their hysteria since 1900. Warming because we were coming out of the little ice age, drought due to climate shifting during the 30's (dustbowl) and yet in the 1970's Time magazine asked "Are we entering a new Ice Age". Earth's climate seems cyclical, people scream, "The arctic ice caps are melting" and fail to note or ignore that the antarctic ones are growing.
The thing that started this thread and has been lost in the argument of "Climate Change" is that a town is going to disappear because it was built on a flood plain and the river it is next to is shifting its course through the town. This is a tragedy in a sense that the people that live there will have to uproot their lives and move and that nothing can really be done about it. Is it because of climate change, i highly doubt it. Rivers shift unless the ACoE actively work to keep them where they are, sometimes this is a small change, sometimes its a huge one. In the 30 years that i can remember the creek behind my house has shifted its banks 20ft in various directions multiple times, the only reason my home hasn't gone under is because its up a hill from the creek itself so we are fairly protected.