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Your life depends on a very thin wire.
"Lights Out" By Koppel, Busy, wave of malware, crossbow
First "Lights Out" by Ted Koppel 
Came out in October, I usually look for paper backs or hard backs in good will or used books stores so I've not read it yet, but he talks about how vulnerable the power grid is to cyber attack. Here is a Amazon link with many reviewers that have read it. ... Z6AKR2VYED
Sorry for taking so long to reply, what I thought was going to be a slow period has instead been a busy period, between farming, radio tech work and a malware surge.
Now a warning  carefully check your Email!
In the past 2 or 3  weeks I've had a huge upswing in malware laden email messages that use different types of attacks mostly contained in an attached zip file, but I've run across a few emails trying to get me to a poisoned webpage that "NEEDS" me to turn on FLASH, JAVA and HTML Scripting to be able to down load a "IMPORTANT" document, which is usually zipped.
You know it's sad how many virus and malware checking systems are still fooled by simply zipping a file.
It might just be local problem, due to a nearby school having essentially every computer at the school compromised along with several of the off campus computers used by teachers and students.  The first hint was in the first week of March when emails started showing up with a local schools entire email data base embedded in the email message.  Now it's reached the stage of waves of mostly crude and mostly automated  attempts at email spear fishing, it looks like these emails are using information pulled from the local school computers.
Now back to our thread
Crossbow pistols only good for killing?
I can't agree with that, I know several people who keep a pistol crossbow so they can use rubber or blunt bolts to drive dogs off their property because such projectile usually won't kill and they reduce the risk to the farm animals and damage to surrounding farm equipment.  The phone techs around here used to keep a pistol crossbow for firing a dart with an attached drag line that would then let them pull wires through pipes or across water or obstructions and many HAM radio operators have a crossbow pistol they use to fire a drag line over building for running wires for antennas. There is also many target practice style games that use a crossbow pistol that besides being fun will also give the person a feel a handgun without the noise or longer range danger of using a firearm.
Personally I think outlawing crossbow pistols is about as useless as outlawing knives. Nearly anyone could literally build a crossbow in less than half a day, take a 2 by 4 board, an old leaf spring, some wire and 2 or 3 hours of work with common house hold tools would give you a crossbow that would be more lethal than most crossbow pistols, true it's not the size of a crossbow pistol, but give me a set of good wood working tools and a couple of days and I could turn out a crossbow pistol version.  

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Rod.H - 02-10-2016, 03:27 PM
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[No subject] - by robkelk - 02-17-2016, 03:52 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 03-09-2016, 03:22 PM
"Lights Out" By Koppel, Busy, wave of malware, crossbow - by hmelton - 03-23-2016, 08:29 AM

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