Quote:skyfire2020 wrote:You may be right except for one fact: Russia isn't a communist state at this point in time, regardless of Putin's wish to be a another Yuri Andropov. They may want their Warsaw Pact back but the other nations won't have it. Russia is still an conscript army and you how that worked in Afghanistan.
As the old joke goes - What do you call a bear with a machine gun? Sir.
The question isn't whether we do what Russia wants, its whether we surrender quietly or take a massive beating first. I've no wish to see London under Russian occupation but if Putin decides to march across Europe he would smash NATO and EU forces and the only alternative is a scorched earth policy of launching Nukes and seeing the country destroyed rather than captured. I doubt Alaska would do any better either.
Besides, the elite will never allow trump to have his own policies as president any more than they will allow Britain to actually leave the E.U. Either Trump agrees to be a sock puppet or he will be prevented from taking office. If you aren't bought and paid for you don't get in. http://conservativedailypost.com/6-rep ... wiki-leak/
To quote Billy Connolly (A Scottish Comedian) “The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one.”
So where do you get politicians from? The answer is make it community service. It punishes the criminals and they can't be any worse than the current people in charge.
Into terror!, Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell