In comments on a 27 April 2017 Washington Post article by Anne Applebaum, about Trump nepotism as a symbol of democracy's decline:
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:KFree said at 7:43 PM EDTWe laugh, that we may not weep.
Maybe what we are showing the rest of the world is that we respect our democratic electoral system enough not to engage in bloody revolution just because a crook conned the most gullible among us into the presidency.
AsGoodAsItGets responded at 7:46 PM EDT
Pretty stupid way to make a point. Elect a total incompetent.
KFree replied at 7:49 PM EDT
i'm reaching here for an upside. I think I pulled my groin doing it.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.