"...they wanted to hurt our democracy...." (Comey)
Considering that one dictionary definition of "carry on" is to "behave or speak in a foolish, excited, or improper manner," the designers of that famous poster, "Keep Calm and Carry On," need to make up their flippin' minds!
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:Nearly as devastating was Comey’s testimony that Russia wanted Trump to win. He said flatly that “they wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her, help him."-----
Considering that one dictionary definition of "carry on" is to "behave or speak in a foolish, excited, or improper manner," the designers of that famous poster, "Keep Calm and Carry On," need to make up their flippin' minds!
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.