Specifically, you need to be level 25 (to use a portal) and have a badge or souvenir associated with time travel (to gain the portal power).
The first available for heroes is "The Real Faultline" for completing Doc Delilah's arc in Faultline; for villains, "Echo Down the Aeons" in Cap au Diable.
If you miss whichever, at level 25 you can use someone else's Portal and get the Chrononaut badge at the top of the gnomon in the Ouroboros zone itself, or have been playing this game since day one and have the 5th Columnist badge for the first and second anniversaries.
"Absolute power is a sticky wicket."
The first available for heroes is "The Real Faultline" for completing Doc Delilah's arc in Faultline; for villains, "Echo Down the Aeons" in Cap au Diable.
If you miss whichever, at level 25 you can use someone else's Portal and get the Chrononaut badge at the top of the gnomon in the Ouroboros zone itself, or have been playing this game since day one and have the 5th Columnist badge for the first and second anniversaries.
"Absolute power is a sticky wicket."