Quote:That's half the fun. :-) You'd get that at our house too. Someone saying, Who'se on?; Say Hi to whoever for me; Bolo barking in the background; Bolo singing in the background.
Would probably get some "say hi to everyone" chatter from the peanut gallery, you see.
Now I'm off to compare TS and Vent. Back soon! -C-
ETA: Ok, I cheated a little bit and went to the note a wonderful Ventrillo and TS tester did for the Guild I'm in. Here are some of the points they made, not verbatim:
1-Both Vent and TS have functions no one will use, this I think, is a given with every program. TS lets you know when someone has left the channel.
2-TS is a little more user friendly. Personally, I've only played with it twice and I'm still trying to figure it out. Can't seem to get my microphone to work, but I'm working on it! ^_^ It could also be my microphone.
3-Now, this information is European based, so it may not be as accurate. Ventrillo apparently has limited free spots for non commercial use; TS is licensed for 1000 slots for noncommercial use with the only cost incurred being that for electricity, a machine to run it on and one hour of monthly maintenance from the Guild Leader aka whoever we pick as the person to look after it.
Now, I will admit, these guys had an existing TS server, which they decided to stay with. They regularly have about 10 people a night using it. With a maximum of about 42 when they have social nights.
Talking to Rev about it this morning, I reiterated that we wouldn't need to RP on the channel if we didn't want to. Although he does a great Thibor voice. Anyway, debate away. -Cindy