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Well, CRAP. Keep watching the skies!
Re: Well, CRAP. Keep watching the skies!
Ack! The sky is falling!...Wait, that's just Rikti...Oh, wait...Ack! It's the Rikti!
Heh. It appears we made a quote the character a mini-story by accident. Well, we'll just update, and give various quotes then...
Hero Side
H.D.: ...Huh. Again?..Ah well. Well, they coudlnt' stand against a dragon in training last time, let's see if they can deal with a true dragon this time. *Grin*
Fanged Wyvern: Oi! It was your lots fault that I got turned -into- a Wyvern..Thanks, by the way, I got to meet Georgina for that...I'm still beating you though!
Nevermore: Hm. I wonder if Rikti make funnies sounds then the Skulls...
Mukruo:...Aw, come on! As if fighting demons and wooing Mira wasn't tough enough!?! I'm calling Angel, and by god, they're -all- coming down here to help me...
Shilo: Hey! Don't shoot at Alan!...Don't shoot at -me- either!..Grrr...Fine, be that way! *Makes Dark Tentacles chase them*
Chihei Haradachi: Well..This is rathar..stressful...
Energy Ant: *Watches the oncoming invasion*...*Puts on a little chef's hat, and apron, and lights up the grill* *Singing* Ant's gonna cook him up some Rikti, Ant's gonna have a Rikti buffet...
Stephnie Jenova: OI! You lot -hurt- my friends, made Brightsky's life hell, -brought- my -insane- Uncle back, and now you're invading -again-? Oh, -Meteor- no, you're going -down!
Sarah Evan: Hm...mabye I should ask for a raise
Shara of the Sight: I-i won't l-let you hurt my friends!
M-mind C-crush!
Detective Joe Jenova:...Crap. As if protecting the Facets wasn't hard enough...
Lukin: Ack! Rikti! You won't get Lukin again, he will go down fighting for his friends! And he won't let you take them away!
We'll do more later...Goign to bed now.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Well, CRAP. Keep watching the skies! - by Logan Darklighter - 06-13-2007, 07:13 PM
Raining... - by Rev Dark - 06-13-2007, 07:23 PM
Re: Raining... - by The Hunterminator - 06-13-2007, 07:49 PM
Re: Raining... - by Acyl - 06-13-2007, 08:42 PM
Re: Raining... - by Logan Darklighter - 06-13-2007, 11:40 PM
Of course you know, this means WAR.... - by MechaDeuce - 06-13-2007, 11:46 PM
Re: Of course you know, this means WAR.... - by crimsonsun - 06-14-2007, 01:16 AM
Re: Of course you know, this means WAR.... - by Render - 06-14-2007, 06:27 AM
Re: Well, CRAP. Keep watching the skies! - by His Lovely Wife - 06-14-2007, 11:16 AM
Re: Well, CRAP. Keep watching the skies! - by Chibi Konatsu - 06-14-2007, 03:10 PM
Re: Well, CRAP. Keep watching the skies! - by crimsonsun - 06-14-2007, 03:15 PM
Re: Well, CRAP. Keep watching the skies! - by Kokuten - 10-31-2007, 07:26 PM

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