Quote:From a personal standpoint, some people like playing various flavors of villain more than others do.
In a semi-related note, I took a quick peek at the forums discussing Issue 10. And I just have to say that while I think the new issue looks interesting and I'm happy that it's coming out, I just don't see why everyone's so jazzed about teaming with the villain side of things. I don't find CoV compelling at all, which is why I can count on one hand the number of times in the last two years I've actually logged in as a villain. I just do NOT get it....*sigh*
Can anyone explain?
From a gameplay perspective, CoV is simply put together better. The broker missions unlocking regular contacts, every one of whom has a story arc, makes way more sense than the near-random hither-and-yon-ness of CoH's mission system. It's a lot easier for a novice player to get into.
Number A: "Oh good, a challenge."
Sailor Paragon: "In the name of the city, I will MESS YOU UP!"
Inez: "All right, you alien pendojos, prepare to be set en fiesta!"
Evil Midnight Lurker: "So he says to me, he says, there's a whole freakin' ARMADA headin' this way, I'm OUTTA HERE baby! So I says to him SCREW THAT BABY, I'll hitch a ride in a wheel well and BLOW THEM SHIPS TO KINGDOM COME! AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"