Quote:While we're on that topic, could we also please allow FEMALE Minions, too? I know Nogitsune really chafes under that restriction.
Excellent. Now, it would be nice if a Mastermind could pay for costume changes on their minions.
Look at the comic book villains. So many times when the villain has henchgirls working for him. (Penguin is the first one I thought of. In both animated Batman series, he has some interesting female accomplices.)
I mean, really, how hard could it be to have a (perhaps limited) set of costume options that you would be able to go into a costume editor for just like with Icon?
How about different types of robots, too? I mean, the ones they have are cool looking and all. But some people (Clank Patrol, for one) have a steampunk style origin. Be nice if we had an option to create bots with a style... oh, say... like the Nemesis bots?
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-Adam Savage