So, I'm bored. So I'm gonna ask a question: How do you play the various ATs?
Blaster: BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Splat! ow.
Controller: ZOMG HE STOLE YUR GF! ...sucker.
Defender: Bubble, bubble... okay, playtime! Zot!
Scrapper: Last man standing wins!
Tanker: Charge. Flail. FOAM AT THE MOUTH.
Brute: You have to ask? SMASH!!
Corrupter: Blam! Blam! Blam! ...fine, fine, you can have a bubble.
Dominator: N/A.
Mastermind: Follow me! ROCK AND ROLL!
Stalker: sneaksneaksneak... STABBITY! Chopcho-GRK! ...ow.
"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Blaster: BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Splat! ow.
Controller: ZOMG HE STOLE YUR GF! ...sucker.
Defender: Bubble, bubble... okay, playtime! Zot!
Scrapper: Last man standing wins!
Tanker: Charge. Flail. FOAM AT THE MOUTH.
Brute: You have to ask? SMASH!!
Corrupter: Blam! Blam! Blam! ...fine, fine, you can have a bubble.
Dominator: N/A.
Mastermind: Follow me! ROCK AND ROLL!
Stalker: sneaksneaksneak... STABBITY! Chopcho-GRK! ...ow.
"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."