Nice to know someone's been reading that. '.' Anyway, let's see...
(Disclaimer: At least half of this I am making up as I write it. '.' )
Alexis Morgan:
Alexis' technical skills are actually quite a bit like Looney's. >.>; There's quite a variety of gear that she couldn't build herself, but she can take it and get it to do what she wants it to do. Her programming skills are generally adequate, but don't always come when she calls them. Technomagical fusions are probably her area of greatest expertise, closely followed by linking together systems that should not be possible to link together. She also has a decent working familiarity with interdimensional transport systems, but for various reasons she's unlikely to reveal this except in a major emergency.
On the magical side of things, Alexis is a mid-level "Chaos Mage" (likely having no similarity to anything anyone else calls a chaos mage), which is fairly useful for most things *except* combat. Because of the way her transformation works though, these abilities aren't available to her most of the time. Working with other mages is likely to be difficult to her due to major differences in approach. Almost all magic she has experience with (hers or others) is purely will-directed and doesn't involve formalized spells at all. Spells with verbal components in particular throw her, because voice triggers are something she associates with technology or technomagic. ("... You're *sure* that's magic you're doing?")
Aside from a bit of past experience with genetic tampering. she has little knowledge of biology and will actively resist learning anything above the cellular level. ("There are things I don't want to know about myself!")
On leadership, group tactics, etc. Alexis is pretty much completely ignorant. The majority of her organization's activities involve individual agents operating on their own for long periods of time, and even group operations usually amount to "spread out and attack everywhere at once".
Alexis is yet another anime fan - basically, she's seen and likes everything I've seen and like. Also reads voraciously, cross stiches occaisionally, and regularly tries to learn to draw and then gives up on it.
[Huh, I wasn't expecting to write that much...]
Being a form of computer-based AI, it's expected for her to have serious computer skills, but due to her nature they're kind of... weird. She has no skill at programming, because she doesn't perceive computers in the normal way when she's inside them, and she hasn't bothered learning any other way to work with them. On her own, she doesn't have much processing ability beyond what drives her own conciousness, but when given access to other processers she can do various brute-force tasks with much greater effectiveness than they could do without her. This is about as entertaining to her as a normal human would finding reading an entire dictionary out loud, if the dictionary was in a language they didn't know. So getting her to do this is likely to require a very good reason and/or bribe.
Also, if she knows access codes for a system, she can physically enter it and read data that would be available to someone using those codes without the system actually seeing anyone logged in. For any systems she doesn't already have some form of access to though, there isn't much she can do without making a *lot* of noise. (The idea is that she's supposed to have been watching whatever information about Alexis was in the Legendary's systems that Alexis would have access to, as well as probably grabbing news reports and things. Though how she got her onee-nichan's password isn't something I have any ideas about.)
Though she's considered to be mature for various purposes, Mirami hasn't been awake for a particularly long time, so she hasn't picked up much else for skills. She has some interest in anime, but since she doesn't like to watch things alone and her ~sisters are busy most of the time, she hasn't seen much. (It should be noted that when she's projecting a physical form - which she does most of the time - her time perception is about the same as an ordinary human. So she can't just absorb things about a million times faster the way some forms of AI can.)
[And that's probably enough for her too.]
Eri Silverwing:
Just because I hadn't thought about it before, and it fits with some other things in an amusing way, I think she designs clothes in her spare time. Wearing most of the things she comes up with in public in Paragon City could get you arrested though... which isn't something she's actually aware of.
-Morgan is lazy and doesn't feel like rereading this post to make sure everything is spellled correctly."I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
-----(Not really)
(Disclaimer: At least half of this I am making up as I write it. '.' )
Alexis Morgan:
Alexis' technical skills are actually quite a bit like Looney's. >.>; There's quite a variety of gear that she couldn't build herself, but she can take it and get it to do what she wants it to do. Her programming skills are generally adequate, but don't always come when she calls them. Technomagical fusions are probably her area of greatest expertise, closely followed by linking together systems that should not be possible to link together. She also has a decent working familiarity with interdimensional transport systems, but for various reasons she's unlikely to reveal this except in a major emergency.
On the magical side of things, Alexis is a mid-level "Chaos Mage" (likely having no similarity to anything anyone else calls a chaos mage), which is fairly useful for most things *except* combat. Because of the way her transformation works though, these abilities aren't available to her most of the time. Working with other mages is likely to be difficult to her due to major differences in approach. Almost all magic she has experience with (hers or others) is purely will-directed and doesn't involve formalized spells at all. Spells with verbal components in particular throw her, because voice triggers are something she associates with technology or technomagic. ("... You're *sure* that's magic you're doing?")
Aside from a bit of past experience with genetic tampering. she has little knowledge of biology and will actively resist learning anything above the cellular level. ("There are things I don't want to know about myself!")
On leadership, group tactics, etc. Alexis is pretty much completely ignorant. The majority of her organization's activities involve individual agents operating on their own for long periods of time, and even group operations usually amount to "spread out and attack everywhere at once".
Alexis is yet another anime fan - basically, she's seen and likes everything I've seen and like. Also reads voraciously, cross stiches occaisionally, and regularly tries to learn to draw and then gives up on it.
[Huh, I wasn't expecting to write that much...]
Being a form of computer-based AI, it's expected for her to have serious computer skills, but due to her nature they're kind of... weird. She has no skill at programming, because she doesn't perceive computers in the normal way when she's inside them, and she hasn't bothered learning any other way to work with them. On her own, she doesn't have much processing ability beyond what drives her own conciousness, but when given access to other processers she can do various brute-force tasks with much greater effectiveness than they could do without her. This is about as entertaining to her as a normal human would finding reading an entire dictionary out loud, if the dictionary was in a language they didn't know. So getting her to do this is likely to require a very good reason and/or bribe.
Also, if she knows access codes for a system, she can physically enter it and read data that would be available to someone using those codes without the system actually seeing anyone logged in. For any systems she doesn't already have some form of access to though, there isn't much she can do without making a *lot* of noise. (The idea is that she's supposed to have been watching whatever information about Alexis was in the Legendary's systems that Alexis would have access to, as well as probably grabbing news reports and things. Though how she got her onee-nichan's password isn't something I have any ideas about.)
Though she's considered to be mature for various purposes, Mirami hasn't been awake for a particularly long time, so she hasn't picked up much else for skills. She has some interest in anime, but since she doesn't like to watch things alone and her ~sisters are busy most of the time, she hasn't seen much. (It should be noted that when she's projecting a physical form - which she does most of the time - her time perception is about the same as an ordinary human. So she can't just absorb things about a million times faster the way some forms of AI can.)
[And that's probably enough for her too.]
Eri Silverwing:
Just because I hadn't thought about it before, and it fits with some other things in an amusing way, I think she designs clothes in her spare time. Wearing most of the things she comes up with in public in Paragon City could get you arrested though... which isn't something she's actually aware of.
-Morgan is lazy and doesn't feel like rereading this post to make sure everything is spellled correctly."I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
-----(Not really)