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Virtue's Reward Reference Thread GO!
Okay, while we're on concept definitions
Lady Nogitsune is an honest-to-Amaterasu Nogitsune, or POWERFUL dark fox spirit currently inhabiting a Paragon Protector based off of her previous host, Kyoko Yamashira/QB Kitsune. As a mystical being, she has access to a LOT of magical lore.
Her powers will have a lot of the standard effects, but look like she has more powers due to varying "graphics."
Most of her Dark Miasma powers can be described as Sakura Blizzards as well as the "Standard" graphics. Darkest Night is just as effective as a cloud of swirling cherry blossoms as a cloud of murk. Enough flying floral detritus can slow motion just as well as syrupy stygian energy. Her Fearsome Stare can cause either pure terror or paralyzing sexual inadequacy, as can Petrifying Gaze. Her Ghost Widow patron powers produce a traditional "foxfire ball" effect. Shadow Fall includes both standard "blend into shadows" stealth as well as an area-effect "henge" into a sort of "don't notice me, I'm just a normal person" effect.
Her minions are kunoichi. In-game, their normal appearance is explained away as disguising themselves to appease Lord Recluse's whim about Ninja mms. When they drop their disguises IRL, they appear totally different, which will confuse the GIFTers in that battle.
Nogi's Genin appear as teen "Naruto"-style kunoichi: Anime Japanese ethnicity [I.E., chromatic hair, and too voluptuous for the normal Japanese phenotype] with mostly practical, and slightly sexy, gear for their outfits. Their names are Uzumaki, Shima, and Hebi, with appropriate visual cues in their costumes. Spirals, Stripes, and Snakes, respectively.
Nogi's Jounin appear as more traditional kunoichi: early-to-mid 20's Anime Japanese women in Ninja Scroll or Dead or Alive-inspired outfits. Their names are Akai and Kuroi, wearing red and black, respectively.
Nogi's Oni, Kareshi, appears as a graceful, willowy Japanese woman in a flowing fire-patterned kimono wearing a fox mask. She is the most glad to be rid of the disguises, as she was HIDEOUS as an Oni.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll

Messages In This Thread
Virtue's Reward Reference Thread GO! - by Foxboy - 02-21-2007, 06:56 PM
Re: Virtue's Reward Reference Thread GO! - by The Hunterminator - 02-21-2007, 07:46 PM
Re: Virtue's Reward Reference Thread GO! - by Render - 02-22-2007, 02:46 AM
In RE: Pocket D - by Foxboy - 02-22-2007, 08:09 AM
Okay, while we're on concept definitions - by Foxboy - 02-22-2007, 06:13 PM
Re: In RE: Pocket D - by Bob Schroeck - 02-25-2007, 10:04 PM
Warburg Nuke - by Foxboy - 02-25-2007, 10:11 PM
Re: Warburg Nuke - by ECSNorway - 02-27-2007, 06:17 PM
Re: Virtue's Reward Reference Thread GO! - by Render - 03-24-2007, 02:21 AM
reference part deux - by Foxboy - 04-27-2007, 08:14 AM

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