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Task Force Vortex takes down Clockwork King! (Updated Pics)
Re: Task Force Vortex takes down Clockwork King!
The Battle vs Babbage
This was just epic. Even more so I think than your average battle with Babbage. After fighting with us in the yard next to the warehouse, he pulled a King Kong and went to the roof and then to the water tower atop! When we called for reinforcements, we got some people asking where he was, to which the astonished reply was generally - "How can you MISS HIM??!?!?"
Finally after a long battle and many repeated calls for radiation defenders to debuff his insane regen, he finally went down. Notice at the end that one of the people helping us out was Mechadeuce!
[Image: Babbage-fight-001.jpg]
[Image: Babbage-fight-002.jpg]
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[Image: Babbage-fight-036.jpg]
[Image: Babbage-fight-037.jpg]
"Wake up! Time for SCIENCE!"
-Adam Savage

Messages In This Thread
Re: Task Force Vortex takes down Clockwork King! - by Logan Darklighter - 04-13-2007, 07:14 PM

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