The last few times I've been on and checked out the supergroup window, I've spotted a couple of toons who have been members of the Legendary for a while but apparently have never run in SG mode, because they have earned exactly 0 prestige for the group. And I'm not talking about people who're close to the 120-day limit -- I'm talking folks who have frequently been on within the last day or two each time I've checked.
I'd really appreciate it if, when you check the SG display and see that one of these people is logged in at the same time as you, if you would send them a /t and urge them into SG mode. I don't care if they run part-time or full-time, as long as they throw a little prestige into the pot -- otherwise they're making use of the base and the equipment there without giving anything back. Anyone who persists in staying out of SG mode will be kicked. And you can warn them of that, too.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
I'd really appreciate it if, when you check the SG display and see that one of these people is logged in at the same time as you, if you would send them a /t and urge them into SG mode. I don't care if they run part-time or full-time, as long as they throw a little prestige into the pot -- otherwise they're making use of the base and the equipment there without giving anything back. Anyone who persists in staying out of SG mode will be kicked. And you can warn them of that, too.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow