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One player's RP experiment. And another's.
One player's RP experiment. And another's.
From the official CoH boards.
A poster called AmazingMOO has written something about his experiences RPing a transgender character, and the reactions other players had to it. I believe he was trying to explore transgender issues, and attitudes towards them.
Link: Project Star: An Experiment in Roleplaying
(It isn't mentioned in the thread, but the writer is a married man, if it makes any difference)
I mention this's a pretty thought-provoking piece of work. Interesting.
But I'm also referencing this here... to share what another player (Ripcord) posted in that thread. Something that...frankly floored me. Ripcord shared a screenshot, and discussed their own character exploring similar themes.
I was thunderstruck by the sheer artistry in Ripcord's character bio, and the amazing work with the character creator. Truly a brilliant costume. But SO SO WRONG, DAMNIT, JUST WRONG.
-- Acyl

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One player's RP experiment. And another's. - by Acyl - 03-07-2007, 03:36 AM

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