The idea is to try and encourage a greater amount of interaction and, to a lesser degree, roleplaying. As for the other groups, I didn't bring them up, but I'll mention them to Dynamistress (or Brightsky or the other liaisons can do so, too). If there are still slots available I don't see why we can't bring them along.
Traffic on the coalition channel has been spotty. But how many of us put out a general hail there when we log in? I know I'm guilty of ignoring the coalition chat even when I don't have my hands full with something else. Maybe we should all get in the habit of giving a high sign there when we connect.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
Traffic on the coalition channel has been spotty. But how many of us put out a general hail there when we log in? I know I'm guilty of ignoring the coalition chat even when I don't have my hands full with something else. Maybe we should all get in the habit of giving a high sign there when we connect.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow