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Coalition News
Re: Coalition News
Can someone refresh my memory? If Group A is in a coalition with groups B and C, but they are not in one with each other, what happens when they try to talk on the Coalition channel? Who can go in whose base?
When someone from A uses the coalition channel, both B and C will hear it.
But when someone from B replies, only players in A will hear the reply. C will not. For people in C, it will seem like A is talking to an imaginary friend.
In other words, unless the links are completely closed, you're gonna hear lots of partial conversations. Like half a telephone.
Is the 10 group limit going to be rigidly enforced--there may be a technical reason for it, I don't know--or is that just their ideal size?
There is a technical reason for it. There is a maximum limit on coalition partners. I am not sure what that number is - it may well be 10. That sounds about right.
Due to that numerical limit, it would not be a good idea to ask for Writer's Workshop to be included in this coalition plan with other RP SGs...the reason being, Writer's Workshop isn't really a full-blown concern. It's a very small roster, and the characters in it are all occasional alts.
When people speak of forming coalitions of this nature, it's usually between active groups. Writer's Workshop is not an active group. Sorry, Fox, needs to be said. It'd use a slot, and coalition slots are limited.
It isn't the considerate thing to do. Assuming we want to join this thing. We might not...I think, depending on the nature of the coalition, there might be an argument against it. More later, at the end of my post.
I don't know who or what the Bughouse is, so I can't comment on that.
On the subject of large RP SG coalitions, I know the people who lead the Shield of Paragon coalition on Virtue, which is exactly the sort of organisation we're discussing. Maybe it'll help if I explain it...
The Shield was started by the Silver Guard SG, and includes a couple of themed groups spun off from them (ie, Teen Machine, The Reciprocators) ... but it also includes a lot of SGs with independent history - including The Dawn Patrol (Yes, the group mentioned in official story stuff. The devs gave them permission), The Mighty Brigade, and others.
One of my alts, Light Errant, joined the Guard last week - like I said, the leaders are old friends, so it was pretty much inevitable.
The Shield coalition seems to be a rather active concern. It definitely works, no question. Coalition chat can be a very active place to be. The rule is, it's all in-character, all the time. So that nets you RP, and damn good RP at that. Usually it's mostly 'So-and-so signing in', and 'Hey guys' sorta stuff... but occasionally full-fledged conversations break in...sometimes with really good RP mini-scenes and exchanges.
That said, I do have a slight concern here, signing up for something like this. Here's the argument against:-
I have no idea what terms this new mega-coalition is going to be formed on. However, from what Bob said, I assume that a stated goal is RP. It's entirely possible that they might be talking about a serious RP alliance.
The thing is, though...The Legendary isn't really an RP SG. Most of us RP. Some of us do not - not at all. And even those of us who RP, not everyone does it all the time. The collection of players we have is far more casual with regards to such things than, say, well, Liberty F.O.R.C.E. itself.
As I've noted, the rule in coalitions like the Shield of Paragon is that you RP, and you stay in character on coalition chat. Which isn't to say OOC discussions aren't allowed - but we're talking lots of (( brackets here )). It is, in short, an environment that is prejudiced against people who don't RP. Which isn't fair to some of our folks.
Arguing that we shouldn't join something because they RP too probably a strange assertion for me to make. 'specially 'cause you all know I'm a major RPer. o_o But, well...yeah, okay, most of us RP. Sure. But I know we've got some people who don't. Maybe only a couple. But still, is it fair to them? And in any case, the Legendary was formed with the original mandate of a utility group, rather than an RP collective.
I don't know, though. There are coalitions out there with somewhat laxer approaches to RP than what I've outlined, and if so, then there's no problem. I really don't know what kind this will be, and what level of approach they're taking. I don't have enough data.
I'm just saying...
-- Acyl

Messages In This Thread
Coalition News - by Bob Schroeck - 03-01-2007, 09:44 AM
Re: Coalition News - by jpub - 03-01-2007, 10:34 AM
Re: Coalition News - by Logan Darklighter - 03-01-2007, 04:55 PM
Re: Coalition News - by Drenivian - 03-01-2007, 05:12 PM
Re: Coalition News - by His Lovely Wife - 03-01-2007, 05:51 PM
Re: Coalition News - by Bob Schroeck - 03-01-2007, 09:58 PM
Re: Coalition News - by Render - 03-02-2007, 12:39 AM
Re: Coalition News - by Bob Schroeck - 03-02-2007, 04:32 PM
Re: Coalition News - by Acyl - 03-02-2007, 06:55 PM
Writer's Workshop - by Foxboy - 03-02-2007, 07:15 PM
Re: Writer's Workshop - by Bob Schroeck - 03-02-2007, 09:42 PM
Closed Coalition - by Dynamistress - 03-03-2007, 11:14 AM

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