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More fun Fiction
Windy Day, Anamchara and Misonon origin fiction. Windy and Anamchara are in IST Paragon City (Infinity) and Misonon is Marcus Mac Hine's (Virtue) WarShade partner for those not yet in the know. Here's the first bit. More to follow as it gets written. -Cindy
The studio audience for the television show was packed. The hostess appeared and did her usually monologue before introducing her guest. What would you do if you were a struggling student and someone offered you the chance to change the world? Wed like you to meet a young lady who stepped up to the challenge. She is one of IST Chicagos rising young heroes, currently assigned to Paragon City, Rhode Island. Please join me in welcoming Windy Day.
The audience applauded as a steamy mist began to seep out from the side of the stage. A blurred figure was barely visible through the fog as it ascended the stage. When it reached the hostess, the fog disappeared and a young woman stood there. She had short blonde hair, and was wearing a grey leather jacket over a green and grey t-shirt, grey cargo pants and black 20 hole Doc Martens. Her eyes seemed to glow a slight green. She shook hands with the talk show hostess and sat down.
Welcome back to Chicago Windy.
Its good to be back. Windy smiled and the audience applauded.
Now, you are one of IST Chicagos and IST Paragon Citys up and coming young heroes. Can you tell us how it all started?
Of course. Windy sat back in the comfy chair and began her story. It all started with a cup of coffee and a croissant. I was still a student so both of those were still on the mandatory food list. The audience laughed. I was just sitting there on the patio, minding my own business, when this device about the size of a lunch box fell in my lap. As you can imagine I was startled and jumped up, overturning the table. The device fell off my lap and landed on the floor but when I looked up from it to see who had noticed me knocking over my own table I saw that it wasnt the only table knocked over. Tables, chairs and patrons had been pushed basically into the wall; everything was all over the place. It looked like a hurricane had gone through the place. It turns out that it was all from this little device.
So how did you end up with it?
Well, it appears it had been stolen from a local lab. It was thrown from a moving vehicle, probably to get rid of the evidence. It just happened to fall into my lap. When I returned the object, I was asked if I wanted to participate in the experiments. Seeing as its basically a miniature weather producing device I was enthralled, since I was studying weather patterns in my geography class.
So are you the only one who has such a device then?
To my knowledge I am the only one currently using this device, yes. And before you ask, I will assure you that it is not military in nature and I do not use it as a weapon. This is still in the prototype stage so we are working on refining it, seeing what works and what doesnt, and honestly, how best it can be used.
So youre an experiment?
Windy laughed. That I am.
Well be back with Windy Day after this commercial break.
Standing in his kitchen in Montreal, the being known as Anamchara stopped making himself dinner and began an inner monologue. I want to meet her. The part that was the human named Patrick Johnson said to the part that was the Kheld named Adma.
Oh really? Is there a reason for this?
No, just a feeling that I have to meet her.
Your forefathers have said the same thing to me.
Where do you think you come from? Patrick could feel the laughter. We will go to Chicago then.
Paragon City. Shes affiliated with IST Paragon City.
Welcome back. Were talking today with Windy Day of IST Paragon City. Windy, tell us how you got involved with IST.
Well, after training with the weather device for about 6 months, we decided it was time to see it in action in a support role, things like mob control. I contacted the International Super Teams Headquarters in New York and they put me in contact with IST Chicago. I received extra training with them before being assigned. When Headquarters decided to start a branch in Paragon City, they found their best teachers and their newest recruits and matched them together.
So youve worked with some of the IST Greats?
Windy nodded. Ive certainly worked with great people, yes. Im currently training under Lieutenant Colonel Camille Hoyle and Major Thibor Sawchyk and I have to say that they are both wonderful teachers.
Anamchara turned off his television and went over to his computer. Booking a plane ticket to Rhode Island was no problem. Hed leave in a week. That would give him time to clear out this apartment and put all his things in order before moving. There was already a Kheldian presence in Paragon City and they were always looking for more volunteers for hero work. Hed contact them as well and see about hastening the work permit.
Back in the lab with Dr. Keith Maynard in Chicago, Windy set the device down on the counter. Its working great. I still cant believe you got it down to the size of a belt buckle.
Youve got to admit Windy its a lot easier to carry it around like that. Keith pulled out his magnifying glasses and settled himself down to connect his computer to the belt buckle to take diagnostics and add any addition programs to it. The device acted like a focus for Windys very miniscule extra sensory ability. It was so miniscule that no one had ever bothered to find out what it was. But with that little device that had been built into her belt buckle, she could harness the winds and the storms. Apropos, considering her birth name was actually Windy Day.
Windy watch Keith work. He was a youngish man, later 30s early 40s; pretty good looking in a scientist kind of way. Yet, he didnt seem interested in her. She found that both annoying and reassuring. Shed heard of a few classmates who been, well, placed in uncomfortable situations and she was glad she wasnt one of them. The fact that she was the only one who could currently work the weather maker was probably another factor in the mix. She sat down with a sigh to watch.
Oh, by the way, I saw the interview. Nice job not saying anything about the device. I appreciated that.
Anamchara had just registered himself as a hero in Atlas Park when he encountered the last being he had ever thought hed encounter. At one time Adma had been another being and had been very close to another of his kind. That other had been corrupted by a third. Adma had never thought to see that other again. It was Fates doing that the other was the first person Adma met upon exiting City Hall after a new hero briefing.
Hello Adma. I didnt think Id ever see you again.
Anamchara stopped at the feminine voice and turned. He didnt recognize the body that the other wore, but the essence, though corrupted, was there. Alrav.
Its Misonon now. The woman smiled. Anamchara looked her over carefully. She was an older woman with grey hair and gold rimmed glasses.
I go by Anamchara. He took the hand she offered and shook it. Being close to Alrav again was. Decidedly odd. Shall we sit? The two sat down just outside City Hall. Conversation was stilted at first; two centuries of estrangement will do that. So when did you turn back?
When did I stop being a brainless Nictus you mean? About 50 years ago. I guess you could say I came to my senses. A smile crossed the womans face. I casually mentioned to my host that I didnt like a fight when I took over a body. She calmly suggested then that she was not the body for me as she was going to fight me tooth and nail. Thats when I started thinking again.
The two sat silently trying to find something to speak about when a petite redhead came bursting out of City Hall practically in tears. She grit her teeth and bunched her fists as Sunstorm, the Peacebringer Liaison Officer followed her outside. Ms. Mac Hine, Im sorry that we cant help you with this problem of yours. Perhaps an individual on their own. He did not continue.
The redhead, Ms. Mac Hine, turned back to him. Thank you for your time sir. Maybe well be able to help each other another time. She calmly shook his hand and stumbled down the stairs before the tears overwhelmed her. Anamchara watched her carefully to see where she was going. She found a place underneath a tree and sat herself down, her head on her knees, probably trying to compose herself. Anamchara went up to Sunstorm and reintroduced himself; they had met earlier in the day at the briefing
I didnt mean to overhear, is the lady in some sort of trouble? Anamchara asked.
Shes looking for someone. She was hoping I would know how best to help her find this person since she thinks there was dimensional hopping involved.
Hmmm. Anamchara nodded his head for a moment before turning back to Sunstorm. Would you mind if I offered to help her?
Of course not. Sunstorm took a look at him and seemed to remember that Anamchara had just arrived to Paragon City today. Just remember to work under the new hero limits and there should be no problems.
Thank you very much. With a handshake, Anamchara was off to find the young Ms. Mac Hine.
Misonon was still sitting on the bench, watching Ms. Mac Hine, who seemed to be talking to herself. Is there something I can help with Ad-Anamchara?
I think there may be. Come with me. Anamchara walked over to Ms. Mac Hine. Excuse me, Ms. Mac Hine?
She looked up suddenly and stood quickly. She wasnt that tall, but she carried herself proudly. Yes?
My name is Anamchara, this is Misonon. I overheard the tail end of your conversation with Sunstorm earlier. Is there someway we can help you?
She smiled shyly. Im looking for someone. My fiancs sister has been suspected dead for quite a while but I found some evidence that she may be alive. Im not in a position to go and look for her myself and I thought maybe the Kheldians could help me as there seemed to be a Kheldian energy signature intermingled with hers.
I think perhaps we can help you Ms. Mac Hine.
Minuet. Or Min. I wont be able to thank you enough if you can find her.

Messages In This Thread
More fun Fiction - by His Lovely Wife - 02-08-2007, 05:57 AM
oooh! - by Foxboy - 02-08-2007, 08:48 AM
Chapter 2 - by His Lovely Wife - 02-14-2007, 06:59 AM
reply - by Foxboy - 02-14-2007, 05:56 PM
Chapter 3 - by His Lovely Wife - 02-16-2007, 07:23 PM

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