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50 things Superball is no longer allowed to do.
And more
In anticipation of I8:
58. The PPD gives out jetpacks to reward heroes who stop bank robberies.
58a. They are not trying to drive my Taxibot friends out of business.
58b. It is not a government conspiracy.
General new ones:
59. I am supposed to hit Lusca. Not hit on Lusca.
59a. She does not have "hawt tentacles".
59b. I am not a Nova-form Kheldian, and even if I were, ours would not be forbidden squiddy love.
59c. She's an octopus, anyway.
59d. No, that does not make us a multiracial couple.
60. Paladin and Babbage are not the Clockwork King's harem.
60a. They are not the King's ex-wives.
60b. All the little clockwork are not their kids.
61. I am not allowed to write Eochai/Jack slashfic.
61a. The giant monsters don't "do it", and I should stop suggesting otherwise.
(As a side note, 59-61 are actually things Dusker did. He's a Warshade, and he did turn up for a Lusca fight in Nova form...with ensuing results.)
62. Arakhn is the only female in the Council, but I should not attach special significance to this.
62a. She is not "my little Nictus-chan".
63. I should stop referring to Minuet as "my walking inspiration".
63a. Even if she is an empath defender.
63b. I shouldn't do this when Wide is in earshot.
63c. Because she's HIS walking inspiration.
64. No matter how henpecked Morgan is, he is a scrapper, NOT Bella's summonable pet.
64a. I shouldn't complain to her about "pet aggro".
I've also started a thread on the official CoH forums. After my list, folks have started posting ones for their own characters, and some of those are just brilliant.
-- Acyl

Messages In This Thread
Re: 50 things Superball is no longer allowed to do. - by Mekadave - 11-27-2006, 08:05 PM
57 - by Rev Dark - 11-28-2006, 05:19 PM
And more - by Acyl - 11-28-2006, 05:53 PM
Re: 50 things Superball is no longer allowed to do. - by Mekadave - 11-28-2006, 07:28 PM

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