Quote:I think Lia and Tanya are a little different, since, y'know...'Ice' and 'Water' are often considered different elemental thingies by anime, videogames, and whathaveyou.
So why wouldn't she be able to make one of the girls if she choses? Does it say somewhere that there can only be one person with that powerset? Is it anti-magical girl to have redundency?
The way Valles has been pitching it, each of the girls is supposed to represent a particular...large elemental concept of some form. The name of the group is 'Facets', after all. It's not been explicitly said, but the impression I got was that each girl should be fairly unique, as far as is possible within the constrains of appropriate power sets.
One of my early suggestions, and one Sweno was gonna use until further discussion...was 'Smoke'. But Smoke was vetoed due to it not being large and universal enough...
So the question is...do we want, or need, to stick to that? And that's a real question. Enforcing what we've got...large universal concepts and exclusiveness...well, that's not an entirely bad thing. Editorial fiat and all that. Keeps tighter control and so on.
The down side, tho, is that it constrains the options for future players - like Cindy's friend.
If further folks want to play magical girls in this group, it seems a shame not to let 'em. So we gotta find some way. If we allow, I dunno, smaller concepts or redundency, then the field's wide open. We've already discussed the possibility of kamens and hanger-ons...
Valles was saying the kamens are probably Paragon natives recruited or roped into the group, rather than folks who had magical origin experiences like the girls... you know, being ambushed by technomystical gemstones from nowhere and finding oneself with magical powers.
Even if the girls have the only gems for big elemental concepts...there's always spin-off choirs and secondary empowerment or whatever.
I dunno. Something.
-- Acyl