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The continuing interludes of Alexis Morgan(updated 3/31/10)
A note from HQ
TO: "Morgan" (Agent-in-charge, Paragon City) - morgan.f.operations
FROM: "Artificial Intelligence Shamal" (Research & Development coordinator) - shamal.a.rd
LOCATION: (217444...; 113875...; 492138...) [2.14, .811]
Subject: Old developments.

Do you remember those "artiforgs" that Quinn's team confiscated back during the Foundation?

No one else did either. Most of them got passed on to the new company, but it turns out a few samples had been left in storage under "Medical Devices, misc." I can't imagine why they weren't noticed earlier, but the discovery seems to have come in good time. The team working on boomer technology applications was running into some snags, and the artiforg design provided them some ideas to handle the problem. In fact, I can now announce that the Morgan & Antares Emergency Replacement Body project was a rousing success!

Where by "rousing" I mean "The prototype was immediately posessed by our resident ghost."

She was ready and eager to take the fight to the enemy, too. I think it nearly broke her heart when operations reported that Lady Discord had finished wiping out the species responsible for her situation decades ago. Once she got over the disappointment, she said she still wanted to officially join Morgan & Antares.

Given the circumstances, the best plan seems to be to send her to join you in Paragon. The prototype isn't entirely biomimetic yet, and the team doesn't feel they can complete that without further test data. Very few places we have operations are feasible for persons with obvious cybernetics, and almost none would be safe for someone unexperienced. Basically, it's either this or Miss Ayano gets to climb the walls at HQ for weeks, which isn't likely to make anyone happy.

I think I can safely guess what your response will be, but you know about minimum protocol. Please reply soon, I think she's already going a bit stir-crazy. Seems being a ghost really does things to one's time perception.

Things that suddenly come to me at work. I think this combines at least six random ideas I'd had floating around into one origin story. Let's see...

-Girl who was sacrificed to demonic entities, who agents then genocided.
-Adapting boomer technology to make replacement bodies for critically injured agents.
-Poking the movie "Repo Men" with a long sharp stick.
-Boomer being posessed by... something. (I seem to remember having the idea as a Crossover That Should Not Be, but I can't remember what *kind* of entity it was. Something more specific than just ghost, I'm sure. Can't remember if I actually posted about it either.)

... It felt like there were more things than that. '.';;;


Messages In This Thread
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Re: engineered magical girl - by Acyl - 08-21-2006, 05:05 PM
Re: engineered magical girl - by Valles - 08-21-2006, 05:36 PM
Re: A short Alexis interlude - by Morganite - 08-21-2006, 07:55 PM
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Re: Alexis' Journal (10/5/06) - by Bob Schroeck - 10-06-2006, 06:56 PM
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