(Goes quickly to look)
The trenchcoats look awesome, and yes, I'll be giving a couple of my characters make-overs with them.
Kilts? Cool to have as an option, but... meh... at least for any of my characters. I know the Mac Hines will make good use of them though! ^_^
Ooooh!!! Shiny new base options!! The Legendary WILL be getting a new trophy area! Because I've certainly been around long enough for these!
(jumping up and down) ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy!!! ^_^-Logan
"This kind of thing tends invariably to devolve into the kind of "No, Nakajima, THIS is true power!!" argument that only really works if you're yelling it from the cockpit of a giant robot . . ."
The trenchcoats look awesome, and yes, I'll be giving a couple of my characters make-overs with them.
Kilts? Cool to have as an option, but... meh... at least for any of my characters. I know the Mac Hines will make good use of them though! ^_^
Ooooh!!! Shiny new base options!! The Legendary WILL be getting a new trophy area! Because I've certainly been around long enough for these!
(jumping up and down) ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy!!! ^_^-Logan
"This kind of thing tends invariably to devolve into the kind of "No, Nakajima, THIS is true power!!" argument that only really works if you're yelling it from the cockpit of a giant robot . . ."