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Short: "Storytellers" (Space Mage)
Re: Short: "Storytellers" (Space Mage)
#4's always the lines you don't plan that are the really good ones, ain't they? It just popped into my head when I got there. Tho, granted, the analogy was one I knew I wanted to some fashion. That was sorta the point...
But really, tho, think about it. I mean, I actually know a fair bit about religious education for little of my best friends in high school was actually the Buddhist equiv of a Sunday School Teacher. Except, y'know, what he taught those poor kids was a lot more...academic.
Whereas, y'know, the church has nifty things like fuzzy boards and little cutout figures of Moses and stuff with velcro on the back...
-- Acyl
(belated reply, since my only 'net access right now is via squatting in a university computer lab. o_o)
-- Acyl

Messages In This Thread
Short: "Storytellers" (Space Mage) - by Acyl - 09-20-2006, 07:41 PM
Re: Short: "Storytellers" (Space Mage) - by Acyl - 09-22-2006, 05:45 PM

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