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Always Look On The Bright Side (Short Fic)
Always Look On The Bright Side (Short Fic)
This is actually in response to [url=http:// ... er=6427429 ... 6427429">a call by Arctic Sun[/url] on the official CoH forums. He's looking (or rather, still looking) for player-submitted stories involving the Praetorians.
Normally I ignore such things, since, y'know, I never expect I'll get in. But...this one actually sparked an idea in my head, and a short idea besides. I figure it'll come in at 2000-3000 words, max. I'll probably finish this in the next couple of days and send it in. I don't believe it'll really get published, but what the heck, enh?
For now, here's the first chunk. Draft, of course, but hey.
Always Look On The Bright Side
by Superball

Its not easy to laugh when youve got two feet of steel rammed through your gut.
I laughed anyway. Oh, it hurt like hell, I just couldnt show it. So I laughed, instead. The mask hid my face, but I grinned behind it.
Marshalling my strength, I pulled myself free. The blades slid from my flesh, slick with blood, but I didnt have time to grimace. Ignoring my bodys protests, I twisted to the side and smashed an armoured backhand into my attackers face. Metal met bone, and he went down with an agonised yowl.
I settled into a fighting stance, my boots touching down on the bloodstained street. With an effort of will, I kept myself from wincing. I couldnt afford any sign of weakness, not with the pack still circling like rabid lions.
You know, I quipped, you gentlemen are terrible hosts. You treat all tourists this way?
One of my opponents snarled, his mouth showing too many teeth. The others echoed his sentiment.
The odds were bad, very bad. Id beaten a dozen of them, but they just kept coming. They were toying with me, attacking one at a time, wearing me down. And they were tough, insanely tough. They looked like street thugs, but they were more than that. Each of them bore wickedly sharp cybernetic claws, and the bearing to match. Spines arched, hackles raised, looking for all the world like vicious oversized cats.
I grinned again, feigning amusement. It was supposed to be an easy run. In through the portal, a mile to the rendezvous point, then out again. This was supposed to be a deserted sector, an abandoned part of the city. The Praetorians werent supposed to be here in force.
Obviously, Murphy was having a field day.
Look, I said, you guys invade my world all the time. Cant I return the favour? Its only fair, right? Think of it as an exchange program or something
Id already missed my meeting with the local resistanceand my return portal. By now, the folks back home probably knew my mission had failed. But I couldnt count on a rescue party, not right away. I was on my own, and the only card I had left was my razor wit. Unfortunately, its hard to skin a cat on words alone, and the Praetorian troops were an especially tough audience. They werent so much as smiling.
Bah, Philistines. No appreciation for a well-honed stage act.
A blur of motion. I spun, just as another feral soldier pounced. I wasnt fast enough to dodge or block but his claws didnt touch me. They bounced off in a splash of lightning blue, repelled by my protective shield. That cost me, though. I felt the strain on my powers. I couldnt keep it up foreverin fact, Id slipped a moment ago, earning a bloody hole through my gut.
Shifting some energy into my limbs, I launched a counteroffensive. Simple punches and kicks, but with speed and strength boosted by my field. I sent the guy sprawling to the ground, but my victory was short-lived. His friends were already moving, abandoning the bad movie routine. They attacked as a group, screaming the name of their mistress.
I bit back a curse. Clutching my wound to staunch the bleeding, I threw myself into the air. I didnt have the strength for true flight, but I had just enough for an acrobatic leap. My aura flared as it boosted velocity, adding height and distance in a blaze of blue. Flipping over their heads, I landed on a fifth-floor fire escape, pausing to catch my breath.
Sorry, I apologised, I like catgirls, but Bobby aint my type.
My dance partners werent amused. Like all of Bobcats minions, they were a fanatical bunch, more loyal to her than Tyrant himself. So my little joke didnt exactly get rave reviews. They chased me, and I ran. Jumping off the fire escape, I sped down a narrow alley, running fast as my legs could take me.
But this wasnt a classic cartoon. I wasnt fast enough. Claws slashed across my back, ripping through my costume. I stumbled, fell, and they were on me. One of them tore my mask off, but I didnt give them the satisfaction of seeing my fear. If I was going to die, I planned to go smiling and spitting defiance.
I was also praying for a miracle, but I figured itd take a pretty big one to save my skin.
Heres a tip, boys and girls. Sometimes, prayer works.
And angels come in unlikely forms.
* * *
(NEXT: Superball is rescued, Superball speaks with his rescuers, important poignant thematic point is made, Superball goes home. What? I said it was a short story...)
-- Acyl

Messages In This Thread
Always Look On The Bright Side (Short Fic) - by Acyl - 09-12-2006, 07:47 PM
Feedback - by Rev Dark - 09-12-2006, 09:07 PM
Re: Feedback - by Acyl - 09-12-2006, 09:39 PM
angels - by Foxboy - 09-12-2006, 09:54 PM
Re: angels - by Acyl - 09-12-2006, 10:16 PM

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