1) I hope you keep him. There must be a sibling, because with a sibling there can be huuuuge sibling arguements.
2) I would've gone with the goofy grin m'self, but I can certainly picture Naoko pulling off being cool just to spite Hiroshi.
3)...and here's the awkward part... my ability to connect to the game has officially been diminished. I /should/ be on a couple times a week, and ideally I'll be able to be on when y'all are about, but yeah. Let's just say that life, right now, is entirely too complicated for my liking.
(And a belated 4) I can only imagine what'll happen when/if Shining Kamen starts trying to 'protect' Mirror Guardian Naoko. Hiroshi's ego is taking a severe bruising out of all of this as it is. )
2) I would've gone with the goofy grin m'self, but I can certainly picture Naoko pulling off being cool just to spite Hiroshi.
3)...and here's the awkward part... my ability to connect to the game has officially been diminished. I /should/ be on a couple times a week, and ideally I'll be able to be on when y'all are about, but yeah. Let's just say that life, right now, is entirely too complicated for my liking.
(And a belated 4) I can only imagine what'll happen when/if Shining Kamen starts trying to 'protect' Mirror Guardian Naoko. Hiroshi's ego is taking a severe bruising out of all of this as it is. )