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A Problem of Scale (WR/Min fiction... open)
My part in this story
(Lovely Foxboy, simply lovely! Here is my contribution to the revolution.) -Cindy
It was a rare day off for everyone. Wide Receiver had organized all of the Mac Hine siblings (save Mace of course), into a touch football game. They were squaring off boys against girls. Wide had to admit he found it a little distracting to be up against Minuet. But hed manage. If the sight of her in shorts and a tight t-shirt wasnt too distracting that was. Though short, her legs did manage to reach the ground from that nicely formed handful that was her
Incoming! Hands on automatic, Wide Receiver caught the ball and started running. There was an unvoiced assumption that superpowers would not be used, so he didnt speed. Although already Morgan had broken that unvoiced assumption by speeding to the goal. None of his sisters were speedsters so he had a point free and clear. He stopped suddenly when Min appeared in front of him, at face level, she was hovering.
Oren. She gave him a kiss, stole the ball, kissed him again, and Margaret teleported her to the safety of the goal line. The two of them stood there laughing. Wide was blushing as read as the Mac Hine childrens hair. Min blew him another kiss as Marianne and Meredith joined them.
Morgan, Marcus and Matthew appeared next to Wide. Id forgotten they could do that. Marcus, normally the quiet brother, said. Were going to have to think of a new strategy.
Did we have on to begin with? Matthew asked. He was huffing a little bit after having run over from the other side of the field in the park.
Yeah, remember we were talking about it not five minutes ago. Its like theyre reading our minds. Wide said innocently. The three Mac Hine brothers snapped their heads towards Margaret. Wide looked up and went, Hunh? She can do that?
Oh yeah, though she usually doesnt. It is considered rude. Marcus spoke again. Loud enough to be heard in the sisters huddle. Margaret looked up and waved at them. To give her credit, she did look a little guilty.
Then thats it. The gloves come off. Wide Receiver wrote something down in the nearby dirt and made sure all three of the brothers understood what he meant without actually saying a word. Apparently, they did know. As he stood up, he swiped his foot a few times over the single word. Tackle. While talking inanely about the game in general Wide gave each of the brothers a sister to take down. Morgan had Marianne, Marcus had Meredith and Matthew had Margaret. Margaret was the key to bring down first. She was the sneakiest by far. Wide would take care of Min. He wasnt quite sure how yet without hurting her, but he would.
Matthew hut the ball to Morgan, who threw to Marcus who was running toward the girls goal line. Matthew ran too, but not to the goal, to Margaret and brought her down fast. So fast she didnt realize what had happened until he landed on top of her. Morgan took out Marianne and Meredith together by tripping them with a martial arts move. That left Min angling towards Marcus. Wide went after her. Marcus saw her coming and actually turned to face her. A bad move on his part because she grabbed the ball from him, then turned and headed right for Wide.
As he was running not speeding he thought, shell break off and Ill grab her by the waist. Each second she got closer he kept saying it, and she wasnt swerving. This was an interesting game of chicken. Any second now shed swerve. She would, he knew she would. When she got within arms reach of him he grabbed for her, caught her around the waist and pulled her close to his chest. His momentum, her struggling and Morgan and Matthew tackling them, sent them to the ground.
It was what could only be referred to as a bad landing. He tried to fall on his shoulder in a proper roll that would protect Min. But whoever had hit him on that side, had knocked him just enough off centre that he landed on the arm holding Min, instead of the shoulder and he rolled forward over her instead of onto his back.
It took him only a millisecond to get himself up on his feet, Min was lying in the grass, not moving. Wides face went pale as he slowly and gently reached out to touch her cheek. Min? Her siblings had gathered around her and were standing over her watching. Minuet? His voice was trembling now.
Her eyes shot open and she inhaled like she hadnt been able to breathe for the last minute. Her next few breaths came in gasps. Then a few coughs, a hiccup, a tear and then a deep normal breath. The first thing she did after sitting up was to hit both Morgan and Matthew in the arms.
You idiots! Her voice was a little raspy. You totally ruined my plan! Wide sat back gratefully on his heals. She was o.k.
Your plan? Matthew glared at his sister.
Oren was supposed to catch me and Id get a hug out of it. Now all I have is a bruise! Wides face went pale again. Min got to her feet and lifted her shirt to show her side along her rib cage. He was close enough that he could see her lovely smooth skin, and the beginnings of a rather large bruise. Just about the right size for his hand. She looked at the bruise carefully, concentrated a moment and set off a healing aura. Any sign of the bruise disappeared. Except in Wides mind.
I think thats enough for today. I have to go. Wide stood up and passed the football to Marcus.
The siblings broke away from Min and Wide and let them say goodbye somewhat privately. Are you o.k. Oren? You looked a little distracted. And youre very pale.
Hmm. I didnt sleep well last night, thats all. He looked down at Min. She looked just fine, but he knew about the bruise. She jumped up and hovered in front of him until he reached out gently and caught her in his arms to hug and hold her.
You know, if theres something bothering you, you can talk to me right? she whispered in his ear.
I know. I promise, I will. One day. Just not today.
Love you Oren. What was that old song about kisses sweeter than wine?
Love you too. He set her down gently and, with one final quick kiss, sped away. His thought his only company.

Messages In This Thread
My part in this story - by His Lovely Wife - 08-24-2006, 12:12 AM
continuing - by Foxboy - 08-25-2006, 05:07 PM
Continuing - by Foxboy - 08-29-2006, 04:44 PM
Re: Continuing - by His Lovely Wife - 08-31-2006, 03:22 PM

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