Quote: Morganni wrote:
Basically, the level to which you're exemplared has to be high enough to have slotted that enhancement. If you have a set bonus from slotting 2 level 26
enhancements, you won't get the bonus when level 22 or below, even if the enhancement is available in lower level varieties. And of course you only get
set bonuses from powers available to you at the level you've exemplared to.
-Morgan. I think that's all correct... ^_^;
I thought the set bonus was available as long as you had access to the power it was slotted in--but take Morgan's word for it over mine. My response to the
whole examplar issue has been to slot the IOs as needed for the powers and treat the set bonus as, well, a bonus. Not something I rely on, but nice when
it's on. Part of my "I'm not going to think about this too hard, but ooh, shiny!" approach to Inventions.
-Render, taking five to de-stress.