Quote: Wiredgeek wrote:
I drive a refugee from the Pits of Hell, who's convinced that his sole purpose on this Earth is to surround himself with beautiful, dangerous women.
I don't think The Legendary as a whole has psychological issues - I think we have a Subscription.
Edit: Good work, here, very readable. I like the characterization of the 'normal citizen' in Paragon City.
And thus in one line does he explain why his character hangs out with The Legendary. (Oh, c'mon, the hotness quotient of our characters is off the
scale! Hell, Bella alone -- why is it getting warm in here? Eeep!)
The normal citizen POV was what I was aiming for. I tried it, originally, from Emerald's POV, and while I can improvise that fairly well while RP'ing,
it doesn't translate to paper quite as easily. It was coming off as very introspective, because it was hard to show it from the inside. It just
didn't feel right.
I briefly entertained third-person omniscient, but I've never been good at writing that. Since it's not a real magical companion animal, using Mr.
Whisker's POV was Right Out -- though I did spend a bit of time writing it from his perspective as perceived by Emerald herself, which, ouch. Brain hurt!
So yeah, normal citizen it was.
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs