No, Amber does not have Recall friend. Both my Tank and Blaster do, ironically enough. Both use teleport. On a similar note, when I respec'd earlier today
to get a very pricey (11 mil) +Recharge proc off Amber and to Emet, I picked up the Medicine pool of Stimulant, Aid Other and Resuscitate in place of Force
Bolt, Repulsion Bomb and Psionic Tornado respectively.
Oh, and another thing to note, that I just thought of, is blaster Braende has a +Stealth recipe on her Teleport, where as I removed the +Stealth from
Amber's hover.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
to get a very pricey (11 mil) +Recharge proc off Amber and to Emet, I picked up the Medicine pool of Stimulant, Aid Other and Resuscitate in place of Force
Bolt, Repulsion Bomb and Psionic Tornado respectively.
Oh, and another thing to note, that I just thought of, is blaster Braende has a +Stealth recipe on her Teleport, where as I removed the +Stealth from
Amber's hover.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI