Quote: Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
I kinda doubt they'll let us do more on the "creating nemeses" front than assign names to bosses, but there's still some flexibility
I really doubt they'll let us put words in the Big Bads' mouths, which is sad, because a scripted
confrontation between Lincoln and Nemesis would be sweeeet....
They do kind of say that you can write the dialogue. '.'
This seems like it could be really incredible if it works well. Past experience suggests that games with tools for user-created content tend to do very well
indeed. And I'm probably not the only one who's already seen the great majority of heroside missions. (Some multiple times.) New story content for
those people - that they don't have to create themselves - would be a big thing.
Of course, there's a lot of obvious questions. It says you can pick the map. But do you actually get to design the map, putting rooms, objects perhaps, and
enemy spawns where you want them? That level of control might be a bit too enjoyable for farmers, but it'd be 90 kinds of awesome for people trying to do
really creative things.
Instanced outdoor? I actually saw something that was almost a hate thread for these on the forums, but I love instanced outdoor missions just as a change of
pace. And if you can link different map sets together (the way you can enter buildings in Safeguard/Mayhem, or the cave in the christmas missions), that'd
open up a lot of interesting stuff. Not to mention I can think of some possibilities if you could link, say, the office set to the lab set.
Probably the most important question, how are they accessed? I think adding contacts to the main maps is never going to happen, but Logan's idea of it
giving you a sort of pseudo-contact you can call sounds workable. And while I'm sure no one really enjoys errand-running, I'd bet that sort of mission
is possible too. But how do you start the mission in the first place? Where do you start them, what sort of search features are there? Will they be locked to
certain level ranges? If so, will there be an auto-exemplar thing for ones you're past, or are you out of luck?
And also important, are the rewards of battle all the same? I think the feature will see a lot less use if they aren't. (I really do hope that farming
issues won't cause them to place limits on this, because honestly I don't think it'll make much difference to farmers. And anything that could help
farmers will also make more options for creators.)
What'd really be ideal is if we got access to the full set of tools that are used to make the missions already in the game. There's an amazing amount
of possibility here. And I think that kind of power would bring people to the game just for the ability to do it. (It might also involve a lot less coding to
get workable than designing new and more limited tools. Albeit writing documentation might take longer. But undocumented tools would probably make enough
people just as happy that the forums would provide your documentation...)