Quote: Wiredgeek wrote:
Quote: dependency
Thinking more about this, I do not believe that it is plausible to either a) clear the entire room and disperse to obelisks, or b) clear a way to an obelisk
with one person, which is what it would come down to with Alternate Strategy #1. Stealthing porter is really the only way to fly here.
I did it without a stealthy porter once, back in my pre-Legendary days. I would only try it again with a solid Legendary-based team (cause you guys
rock) and then only on a dare. I've been thinking about having Badb respec into recall friend for things like this, since she's effectively invisible
with super speed active.
I can't remember exactly how we managed it without a sneaky porter. Clear and disperse didn't work, the Igneous respawned too fast. But we re-cleared
the side tunnels in groups of four(ish) operating on each side of the room, rather than trying to get the whole team together, and we were able to get someone
to each obelisk eventually. The worst part was trying to regroup the team afterward. The cavern was full of Igenous and we were scattered. But we managed it
somehow, and got to rescue Wincott before Koago and company could turn us to paste. Barely.
Lessons learned:
Note the shape of the cavern. There's the entrance passage where you come in. Directly across from that is a steep uphill ramp to the door you must open.
On either side of the line between them there are 4 twisty passages, all alike. It's no map, but understanding the layout somewhat going in helps.
Confusion kills. We numbered them, clockwise from the entrance. Being able to say 'Tunnel 3' is much better than yelling 'help!' and hoping
they can find you.
Obelisks break line of sight. Non-stealthy characters can hide behind one and avoid being seen by respawning guards. You've got to hug your destiny,
Arthur! Hug it!
You do not want to have to hosp/base if you're defeated. Bring wakies. Someone who can rez is also nice. Especially if you're trying to do this the
hard way.
There are two or three Igneous at the back guarding Sam Wincott. Defeat them and you win. You do not have to beat Koago (the monster) or the mobs around him.
He doesn't even give you a badge. So you might as well beat the Trial first and then try to take the big guy down. At least that way, if you lose the
battle, you still won the war.