Psi blasters are very sweet, simply for the quick-animating early powers and the nice range on them. A Psi/Psi blaster's first two primary attacks cycle
very fast, and the first power from the secondary is, like other sets, an immobilize with damage-over-time.
Unlike other sets, said immobilize has long range.
So you can stand at a distance and punch three ranged powers off for a full cycle at LEVEL TWO.
I probably won't play one, however, because the sound effects for psychic blast drive me insane. =P The echoing wail doesn't quite give me a headache,
but it's grating on my nerves. Which is a shame, because it looks very very very sweet.
-- Acyl
very fast, and the first power from the secondary is, like other sets, an immobilize with damage-over-time.
Unlike other sets, said immobilize has long range.
So you can stand at a distance and punch three ranged powers off for a full cycle at LEVEL TWO.
I probably won't play one, however, because the sound effects for psychic blast drive me insane. =P The echoing wail doesn't quite give me a headache,
but it's grating on my nerves. Which is a shame, because it looks very very very sweet.
-- Acyl