(Based on something that happened to Albumin a few nights ago. *grumble* level 9 mission, yeah right. )
I slip quietly from behind a pile of rubble, and jump lightly onto the side of ruined, toppled skyscraper. My balance is still slightly off, has been ever
since I dropped into the Portal Corp facility with my memory Swiss cheesed. It isn't enough to really hamper me, but it can be annoying. I take a moment
to look around the ruined borough from my new vantage point, but spot nothing.
The Boomtown security chief had made it sound fairly easy. Go into Boomtown, hunt down a few of the clockwork that were beginning to appear there, bring back
some info on what they were doing. I'd fought clockwork before and they hadn't been terribly dangerous. Annoying, sparky and hard to hurt, but not
dangerous. It sounds like a simple enough task, right?
And it probably is, assuming you can find any clockwork in these blasted, smoldering ruins. I've been combing the sector known as the Cannonade for the
better part of an hour now with not one clanking little gear-head to be seen. I've been jumped by who knows how many Vazhilok, tripped over dozens of
Council, and beaten the ever living shit out of at least fifteen Outcasts, but not one damned clinking, clanking clockwork.
Sighing in frustration, I return my attention to the crumbling building that I'm walking along. I pause for a moment at the edge, debating whether or not
to jump down to the ground, and that's when I hear it. The whirring of gears and the scrape of metal on concrete. There's a clockwork down there.
Grinning underneath my mask, I lower myself off the edge of building and drop quietly to the rubble below. It's dark down here, and it takes a moment for
my eyes to adjust.
I spot the automaton's leg first, and it's big. Really big. I have to lean back to see the top of this massive clockwork, and I can barely see the
sides. It must be nearly as wide as it is tall. A pair of glowing, angry eyes stare down at me and I say the only thing that comes to mind.
"Oh boy."
When I regain consciousness I find myself in full traction in one of the city's many hospitals. The small collection of cards from my teammates among the
Legendary tells me that I've been here for a while. The doctor confirms this, and informs me that I will be a guest of the hospital for at least another
week, if not longer. Of course, it's not all bad. There are some really attractive nurses on this floor, and it's almost time for my sponge bath.
43. Internal monologues are internal for a reason.
-- 50 things Hexane has learned since joining the Infamous
I slip quietly from behind a pile of rubble, and jump lightly onto the side of ruined, toppled skyscraper. My balance is still slightly off, has been ever
since I dropped into the Portal Corp facility with my memory Swiss cheesed. It isn't enough to really hamper me, but it can be annoying. I take a moment
to look around the ruined borough from my new vantage point, but spot nothing.
The Boomtown security chief had made it sound fairly easy. Go into Boomtown, hunt down a few of the clockwork that were beginning to appear there, bring back
some info on what they were doing. I'd fought clockwork before and they hadn't been terribly dangerous. Annoying, sparky and hard to hurt, but not
dangerous. It sounds like a simple enough task, right?
And it probably is, assuming you can find any clockwork in these blasted, smoldering ruins. I've been combing the sector known as the Cannonade for the
better part of an hour now with not one clanking little gear-head to be seen. I've been jumped by who knows how many Vazhilok, tripped over dozens of
Council, and beaten the ever living shit out of at least fifteen Outcasts, but not one damned clinking, clanking clockwork.
Sighing in frustration, I return my attention to the crumbling building that I'm walking along. I pause for a moment at the edge, debating whether or not
to jump down to the ground, and that's when I hear it. The whirring of gears and the scrape of metal on concrete. There's a clockwork down there.
Grinning underneath my mask, I lower myself off the edge of building and drop quietly to the rubble below. It's dark down here, and it takes a moment for
my eyes to adjust.
I spot the automaton's leg first, and it's big. Really big. I have to lean back to see the top of this massive clockwork, and I can barely see the
sides. It must be nearly as wide as it is tall. A pair of glowing, angry eyes stare down at me and I say the only thing that comes to mind.
"Oh boy."
When I regain consciousness I find myself in full traction in one of the city's many hospitals. The small collection of cards from my teammates among the
Legendary tells me that I've been here for a while. The doctor confirms this, and informs me that I will be a guest of the hospital for at least another
week, if not longer. Of course, it's not all bad. There are some really attractive nurses on this floor, and it's almost time for my sponge bath.
43. Internal monologues are internal for a reason.
-- 50 things Hexane has learned since joining the Infamous