At the "Talk like a Pirate Day" party with the Cape Radio crew at the shipwreck in Nerva:
Quote:[CapeRadio]Lollipop Dreams: Siren, what album is this from?
[CapeRadio]Sultry Siren: [DJ Sultry Siren.]: this one isn't particularly -sea-ish or piratey, but it was the only song I had that mentioned Callisto
[CapeRadio]Tyr's Hand: [Fenrir Lokison, Lvl.30 Stalker]: i have to find a copy of those pirate carols
[CapeRadio]Atlantea: I can think of a vague link to piratey stuff for this song. Want to hear my theory?
[CapeRadio]Sultry Siren: [DJ Sultry Siren.]: It's from the Debasement Tapes album
[CapeRadio]Lunar Eclipse: [Traceur] oh lord, this one g*
[CapeRadio]Sultry Siren: [DJ Sultry Siren.]: you can get it free here:
[CapeRadio]Moggie: Tom Smith is the best
[CapeRadio]Lollipop Dreams: Callisto, I mean?
[CapeRadio]Atlantea: He mentions "Church of Denver". Using the 6 degrees of Bacon method, we get to BOB DENVER - who played Gilligan on Gilligan's Island - who was a sailor... and encountered pirates in at least one episode...
[CapeRadio]Atlantea: ... and... er.... the Rum is REALLY TALKING RIGHT NOW... >.>;;;
[CapeRadio]Moggie: Pass me some of that///
[CapeRadio]White Nightingale: Also, send my congratulations to Shecky.
[CapeRadio]Atlantea: *passes over*
[CapeRadio]Atlantea: Here ya go. Cheers!
[CapeRadio]Moggie: WHEEE!
[CapeRadio]Moggie: *shares the pecan flavored rum*
[CapeRadio]Sultry Siren: [DJ Sultry Siren.]: YUM!
[CapeRadio]Atlantea: Yay!