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Tales of the Legendary: The Love Life and Suffering of Leon McNichol
Tales of the Legendary: The Love Life and Suffering of Leon McNichol
Leon McNichol stepped out of the elevator and looked around the room curiously. Terrence Knight had said it was somewhat urgent, but so far, the only other
people present were Terrence himself... and a very well built black-furred catgirl. Long legs, small waist and a large chest that the body armor failed to hide
in the slightest, long blonde hair and an oddly familiar face that all added up to one hell of a sex kitten.

Smiling, he stepped forward, already preparing the McNichol charm. "Morning Terr," he said with a polite nod, before giving a more respectful bow to
the catgirl. "Pleasure to meet you ma'am," he smiled. "Detective Leon McNichol, PSI."

The catgirl blinked slightly, before a faint smile appeared on her face. "Hello Detective," she said, her voice sounding oddly familar as well. She
glanced past him as the elevator doors opened again, and Leon turned to see Mag Flashlight and Smoldering Decay arrive.

A part of his mind classed them as no threat as he turned back to the catgirl. "You don't have to be so formal kitten," he chuckled.
"Friends call me Leon. Detective is only for the folks I'm arresting," the officer added with a friendly grin.

Terr made an odd coughing noise, but Leon paid it no mind as the catgirls smile widened. "I'll stop calling you Detective when you pay back the money
you owe me," she said playfully. The police officers mind paused for a minute as he searched his mental databases and found no matches for the woman in
front of him.

"... you're not the woman I met backstage after Priss's concert?" he asked after a moment. Terr made the strange cough again, this time
clearly holding back a laugh. The catgirl merely raised an eyebrow.

"Surely you didn't have so many jello shots that night you'd miss the fur?" she teased lightly.

"I doubt he was in any state to pay attention to fur," Decay snarked, getting a snort from Mag and an outright laugh from Terr now. Leon shot them
all annoyed looks.

"No, I wasn't that girl, although we were drinking together that night," she smiled. Her ears twitched as the smile became slightly evil.
"I'll give you a hint. You owe me the money because a Cadaver puked all over your pants and melted them. I lent you the cash to race into a clothing
store and save what was left of your dignity."

Leons friendly flirting smile was washed away by a wave of embarrassment and horror. "... Rob?!"

Knight of the Peace grinned even wider, pulling out her hero license and confirming that she was indeed one of his favorite drinking buddies in the Legendary,
now somehow feline and female. Behind Leon, the other three heroes broke down laughing, Decay leaning against Terr for support (And a quick grope).

A moment later, Knight joined them in laughter. "The look on your face!" she cackled as she leaned against a computer terminal for support. "I
think you just found another way to be shot down!"

Leon was so stunned his missed his usual response entirely. "Uh, about the kitten comment," he managed weakly. "I..."

Rob laughed again. "That's alright. After all, I am a kitten right now." She looked at him for a long moment, watching him try and collect his
bearings, then smiled and patted his cheek. "Besides, you're cute when you're embarrassed," she added, walking on past and pretending to
ignore the shocked squawk he made (Not to mention the other three heroes all give up and just fall down laughing).


For Leon, the day didn't seem to get any better. Going up against the elite soldiers of Romulus, emerging through a hole in time into the tunnels under the
Hollows, was bad enough, but Robin, as she was calling herself at the moment, seemed to be in an odd mood. Or perhaps she was just touched by the evil of her
future sister-in-law, and was simply going after Nene's favorite target.

"You know Leon, my eyes are a little above your line of sight," she laughed as he looked her over yet again, trying to wrap his brain around the

"I, uhm, I, sorry," he said. "I'm not trying to be a jerk, but how can you be so... calm about it?"

She leapt onto the back of a Roman that Terrence had punched their way, buried her claws in his back a half dozen times, then let him fall. "What, would
you prefer I curl up on the couch at home and sulk?" she asked with a shrug. "Hope they find a way to reverse the Yarnball and put my life on hold in
the meantime?"

"Well, no," he admitted, firing on another Roman, only to have him charge through the gunfire and smash his shield into the police officer, bouncing
him down the cave. As he groaned, he could hear Robin snarling as she lunged at the time travelling centurion. After a few pained yells from her target, she
was bounced down the cavern next to him. Leon swore, rose to his knees and switched his rifle to buckshot. The sneering Cimorean ran at them, only to have his
kneecap explode in a shower of blood and bone.

"I guess when you put it like that, you're making the right call," he continued. "Although I'm surprised you used the same hero name.
People are gonna remember this."

She smirked as she stood up and stretched. "Mmm. Probably. So be it. If they can't handle the fact I'm female, that says more about me then
them." Leon found his eyes roaming again as she stretched, noting she was indeed female, then scowled and turned back to the main fight, noting that she
was also a guy he'd had beers and played darts with on a regular basis, and regardless of how well she was taking it, that was just plain creepy.

"Besides," she added, brushing past him. "It does give me the ability to appreciate that cute ass of yours." As she popped her claws and
dived back into the fight, Leon was briefly frozen, his brain having stumbled and fallen over at that comment.

"... She's joking... right?" he managed after a moment.

"Glass not too sure," Glass Lass admitted as she walked past. "Glass think Knight need therapy."

"She's right though," Emi Arizona added with a soft laugh as she returned to the fight. Leon watched her go, then bowed his head and sighed. He
was getting a damn headache from all this.


"Brief break?" Terrence mused.

"Oh yes," Cy Berr agreed, rubbing at her forearm, where a Cimorean sword had cut rather deep. Behind her, Decay sat down on the front of an old car,
resting her legs.

Leon sat down near Mag, removing the clip from his rifle and doing a quick field check. Satisfied it was in working order, he looked around the cavern... and
his eyes locked on Knight, who had briefly unsealed her armor, doing a quick stretch, then began to clean herself in the manner of cats and catgirls
everywhere, seemingly unconcerned about the detective staring at her.

As she lifted her leg up, he briefly began to imagine just how flexible she was, before Mag nudged him in the stomach and pulled him back to reality.
"Look, burning barrels," Mag said dryly, pointing at something on a completely different line of sight then the black-furred catgirl.

"Yes, very interesting," he agreed, directing his eyes at the barrels, but not before accidentally catching Robins eye and seeing the knowing smile
on her face. "Dammit," he muttered. "She's doing it on purpose."

"Course she is. She's a catgirl that associates with Romanova on a regular basis," Mag deadpanned. "You're an easy target for

"Better you then me for a change," Terr said as he walked past, completely unsympathetic. Leon gave him a filthy look.


"Enhanced senses have downsides."

"Really?" Emi blinked.

"Yeah. I can smell just how bad these romans are in their leather and metal suits, what with the sweat and mud and blood and the fact they don't have
washing machines in ancient Cimorea. I can smell the Yarnball they had you processing at the police station..."

"Yeah, dump the long boring work on the new girl immune to the stuff," Emi grumbled. "I had catgirls following me all afternoon."

"Not surprising," Robin said. "That smell triggers just about every single pleasure receptor in our brain." She glanced over at Leon and
grinned. "Leon smells nicer though." Leon closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Get a room you two," Cy Barr said, rolling her eyes.

Emi snickered and leaned in close to Robin. "So... are you just messing with Leon or actually flirting with him?" she asked quietly

"... you know, I'm not sure," she replied after a moments thought. She spent the next five minutes or so considering this, giving Leon a much
needed break.


"So, that's what ancient Cimorea is like?" Robin asked as they left the Hollows and returned to the much more civilized Atlas Park, all the
Romans suitably beaten up and tossed back through history. "An endless horde of disturbingly large men in bulky armor with swords and shields, all of them
stupidly powerful and dedicated to killing us in painful ways?"

"That's what I've been told," Leon agreed.

"Those were the elite soldiers of Romulus," Mag pointed out. "Most of the soldiers are much more human."

Robin shrugged. "I dunno. I can see Terr's fascination with the place. Give him people to hit and he's happy."

"I am a man of simple pleasures," Terrence replied with a dry smile.

The catgirl laughed, then nudged Leon in the arm. "Come on, I need a beer." He gave her a cautious look. "Oh relax, I'll cover you a few
rounds. It's the least I could do after playing Net and Terrence with you all day."

"Oh wonderful, the game has a name now," Terr chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"... okay," Leon replied, surrendering to the power of free beer.


Miranda Barnes looked up from the circuit board she was working on, as her sister came in and headed straight to her room. Curious, she looked back at the door
to see a familar officer standing there. "Heya Leon," she said with a grin and a slight wave. "Whatcha doing?"

"Rob's buying beer," he replied. "I'm planning on drinking it."

"Ah," she said. "So... I see you've seen the new look."

Leon shrugged, hands in his jacket pockets. "Would've appreciated it if someone freaking warned me."

Mir paused, then her eyes glowed with a purple light as her partner took control. "Are you implying what I think you are?" Shade asked, before the
light faded and Mir snickered. "You tried to pick her up, didn't you?"

The detective paused, looking for a way to save face, then slumped slightly and replied "... yeah." Mir put the soldering iron down, then allowed
herself to crack up laughing. Leon patiently waited for her to calm down. This took some time, as every time Mir looked back up at him, it set her off again.

The Warshade was still giggling helplessly as Robin came back out in jeans and a shirt. "...Do I want to know?" she asked Leon, which only set Mir
off again.

"Ah, she's just being her usual charming self," he scowled.

Robin nodded in understanding. "Mir, I'm going out and getting drunk," she said. Mir managed a weak wave as she gasped for air. Robin rolled her
eyes, fetched her jacket, and headed for the door. Behind them, Mir coughed and wheezed, then pulled herself out of her chair, fetched a glass of water, then
went and called Nene.

"Hey Nene, it's Mir. Listen, I've got some material you need to know before you see Leon tomorrow..."


She was still working on the circuit boards a few hours later when the sounds of stumbling footsteps got her attention. Curious, she pulled up her goggles and
went to the window.

"I am so drunk," Robin giggled, leaning against Leon for support. "And I was sticking to light beer. That's depressing..."

"You're what, half your old body weight?" Leon replied, guiding her towards the door. "You'll just have to be careful about how you
drink in the future."

"And I suck at pool now," the catgirl sighed.

"You were always crap at that," Leon disagreed, fishing through the woman's jacket pocket for her keys. "You kicked my ass at darts."

"Sniping. I'm good at it," Robin smiled, stumbling slightly. "I had fun tonight, even when that jerk got pushy."

"You think he'd know not to mess with a catgirl," Leon snorted. "Dumbass," he added as he put the key in the lock.

Robin giggled. "You were gonna deck him," she noted, laughing. "Oh noble man, protecting the girl."

He turned and gave her an odd look. "Last time I checked, you didn't need protecting."

"True, but it was very sweet. I should thank you for it," she declared, and before Leon really had time to register it, the woman had wrapped her
arms over his shoulders and pulled him down into a deep kiss. His eyes went wide as his tried to get past the alcohol in his bloodstream and remind his body
that even if Robin was currently a very hot catgirl with a great figure and a huge chest, he should really put a stop to this...

Thankfully, Miranda apparently took pity on him for once and raced to the door, swinging it open and pulling the catgirl off. "Okay then, someone's
properly plastered and is ready for bed," she declared. "Get in there and sleep it off," she ordered, pushing her towards the hallway.

"Ohhh... fine," Robin sulked, making her way towards the hallway in a sort of straight line.

Mir watched her go, then turned back to Leon, who was still standing there, frozen in an odd mix of surprise, horror, and lust. "I'd invite you in for
a much needed coffee," she said, studying him. "But I think I'm going to need to make sure she's properly tucked in and sleeping this
incident off."

Leon blinked a few times. "Uhhh... yeah," he agreed, wiping at his mouth. "... You won't mention this?"

She gave him an amused look. "I have some sense of mercy," she snorted. "Nene won't hear it from me. Night Leon."

"Yeah... bye," Leon said, watching the door close. He stood there for a long moment, still wiping at his lips with his thumb. "... This city can
be freaking weird," he sighed, turning and heading for the train station.


The following morning found Leon sorting through a pile of paperwork that was strange, even by PSI standards. How was he supposed to get signatures and
evidence logs from the officers on the other end of a suspect transfer, when the other end was two thousand years in the past, and any paperwork would be in

He was about to shove the documents into a folder and go find someone at the Midnight Club to properly abuse over this, when he heard a familiar voice say, in
a tone he'd come to dread "Oh Leon-pooo..." Slowly, he looked up to see Nene standing there, a faintly bemused looking Ifrit standing behind her.

"What is it Nene?" he asked in a weary voice, already guessing what was coming.

"Oh, I just heard about your day yesterday, and I thought I should swing by and make certain that your intentions towards my future sister-in-law were
clean and decent," she smiled cheerfully.

One desk over, Daley Wong blinked and looked over. "I thought Miranda already had a girlfriend," he said.

"Oh, she does," Ifrit replied with an amused shake of her head.

Wong considered this, then smiled at Leon. "You were hitting on Knight of the Peace?" he chuckled.

"You knew about that?" Leon blinked.

"If you bothered to read the police reports on Yarnball, you would have too," Daley told him. "So... if you're willing to chase after a girl
that was a guy a week ago, does this mean I'm in with a shot?"

"Don't start with me Wong," Leon growled. Daley merely smiled and leaned back in his chair to watch the show.

Nene smiled. "I know how lacking your love life has been lately-"


"So I know you might be considering introducing Robin to some of the more... exciting elements of her new gender," she continued as if she hadn't
noticed his protest. "But they're looking for a way to reverse it, so any more little adventures like last night-"

"Hey, she kissed me, not the other way around!" Leon exclaimed, starting to mentally curse Miranda, then stopped dead as Nene and Ifrit both suddenly
turned much more serious looks his way. "Uhhh..."

"Robin kissed you," Ifrit said softly, her face intent.

"Well... she was drunk, and a little out of it."

Nene looked over at Ifrit, the pair seeming to share a conversation in a few expressions. "Well then, that changes things," she nodded.

Leon glanced between them. "... It does?"

"Hmm," Ifrit agreed. "If Robin is interested in you in that manner... well, she's a grown woman, she doesn't need her sister keeping an
eye on her. That said, should you hurt her..." her eyes lit on fire for a moment as she continued in a sweet voice. "I will burn the flesh from your
bones, leave you blind and helpless, and then I'll let Nene do whatever she wants to you."

"Remember what I said about Priss?" Nene asked with a cute smile. "Well, have fun Leon-poo!" she said, turning and walking away. "Be
sure to take her somewhere nice!" Ifrit followed, giving Leon a cheery wave that had embers floating in the air behind her hand. Leon watched them head
towards the base teleporter, then groaned, his head dropping onto the desk with a painful sounding thunk.

Daley studied him for a moment, did some mental calculations of Leons frustration meter, and said "You do realize that this provides more evidence that
you should just join me on this side of the fence?"

"I will end you Wong," came the pained response.

"Promises promises."

Messages In This Thread
Tales of the Legendary: The Love Life and Suffering of Leon McNichol - by Matrix Dragon - 04-20-2009, 02:29 PM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-20-2009, 05:33 PM
[No subject] - by sweno - 04-20-2009, 07:35 PM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 04-20-2009, 07:35 PM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-20-2009, 07:41 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 04-21-2009, 12:50 AM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 04-21-2009, 12:59 AM
[No subject] - by sweno - 04-21-2009, 01:26 AM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 04-21-2009, 01:41 AM
[No subject] - by Ankhani - 04-21-2009, 02:45 AM
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[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 04-21-2009, 04:06 AM
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[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 04-29-2009, 03:02 PM
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[No subject] - by Firvulag - 04-29-2009, 03:24 PM
[No subject] - by OpMegs - 04-29-2009, 03:31 PM
[No subject] - by Foxboy - 04-29-2009, 04:00 PM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 04-29-2009, 05:04 PM
[No subject] - by sweno - 04-30-2009, 07:58 AM
[No subject] - by dark seraph - 04-30-2009, 11:20 AM
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[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 05-18-2009, 07:46 PM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 05-18-2009, 11:47 PM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 05-20-2009, 12:20 AM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 05-20-2009, 04:00 AM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 05-20-2009, 05:34 AM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 05-21-2009, 04:24 AM
[No subject] - by Valles - 05-21-2009, 04:32 AM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 05-21-2009, 05:05 AM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 05-21-2009, 06:28 AM
[No subject] - by sweno - 05-21-2009, 06:30 AM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 05-24-2009, 12:41 PM
[No subject] - by Terrenceknight - 05-24-2009, 06:41 PM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 06-02-2009, 02:01 AM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 06-02-2009, 02:43 AM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 06-02-2009, 06:02 AM
[No subject] - by Terrenceknight - 06-02-2009, 03:06 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 06-02-2009, 06:48 PM
[No subject] - by sweno - 06-02-2009, 07:36 PM
[No subject] - by Vyperpunk - 06-03-2009, 05:15 PM

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