I hardly try at all anymore. Even my villains are mostly decent (if overly selfish) people.
There's only one character I have that's a complete monster, and I play him for comedy more than anything else - Mechanon Prime. I play up the whole HK-47 speak to the hilt with him. ^_^
"Commentary: Your associate is efficient and brutal, even for an organic meatbag. I rather liked him when you first introduced me to him."
"Retraction: Did I say that out loud? While it is true you are a meatbag, I should refrain from addressing you as such."
(Although, if I COULD, I'd LOVE to be able to pull off a Gilgamesh or even Baron Klaus Wulfenbach type, as seen in the .sig quote below.)
There's only one character I have that's a complete monster, and I play him for comedy more than anything else - Mechanon Prime. I play up the whole HK-47 speak to the hilt with him. ^_^
"Commentary: Your associate is efficient and brutal, even for an organic meatbag. I rather liked him when you first introduced me to him."
"Retraction: Did I say that out loud? While it is true you are a meatbag, I should refrain from addressing you as such."
(Although, if I COULD, I'd LOVE to be able to pull off a Gilgamesh or even Baron Klaus Wulfenbach type, as seen in the .sig quote below.)