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Messages drifting on the Static
There's something odd going on in the City of Gold.

To anyone reading this ten, twenty, or even more distant in the future, you probably all ready know what I'm speaking of. Or, perhaps you don't. There's a chance that Cole and his lackeys have hushed up the signs, kept it secret. Although, with something *this* big, I'm not sure I know how even they could have done it...

I first noticed it the morning after Wardog died. I won't bore you with the details, mostly because this datastream is threaded from my last, and I've found signs that that was was accessed so very shortly after it was pushed to the Static. I have to wonder, are you, my unknown readers, on the side of Cole and his stage-prop setup? Do you wonder what would happen if you scratch the surface of the Golden City?

Tangent, sorry. Anyway, that night was rather taxing for me, running through the sewer ways to escape the blast of a neutron bomb. Do you know what that is, or has Cole still got a lockdown on history? Wardog's plan didn't work out the way we wanted. Its too bad, really. That would have sent the message straight to his lofty face: We are not your toys to be played with. However, it seems like we still are.

Members of Powers Division keep disappearing.

I'm not talking about reasonable disappearances. I know that there's a few every day that the medporter system fails to catch, and they die by Ghoul, or a resistance bullet, or the Syndicate blades, or the power gloves of the PPD, or... Ah, the list goes on. But they're bringing in a dozen or two new powered individuals to the City every day. The dorm complex they have us stashed in never gets full. I'm currently living in a dorm building that houses perhaps 150 people. All of them Powers Division. Total for the complex there's about 1,700 Powers Division. The dorm complex keeps an occupation rate of about seventy percent. In the two weeks I've been on active duty, that should have been bumped up fifteen to twenty percent, given recruitment rates and the unfortunate that die unexpectedly.

The dorm complex has *stayed* at seventy percent. Somehow, more than three hundred Powers Division have disappeared without trace. And I'm not counting the Powers Division that came from the City, merely those outside. Adding those in, there's thirty people daily that vanish somewhere beneath Neutroplolis or walk into a certain building and not walk out.

People have been talking in the dorms. Wondering what's become of those who go missing. None of the higher ups in the Resistance, or even those loyal to Cole, are talking. I've asked Scott to his face about this, and all I got was, "We still need you here. We'll get to that later."

This has become a conspiracy against us, I think. Am I to be used up by those wishing the downfall of Cole? Or is there really something happening, where the disappearances actually mean something?

I think I'm closer to the answer now. Scott is almost ready to let me work with him. I'll find out then what its all about.

Hopefully, I'll then be able to pass it along to you, my unknown readers.

Messages In This Thread
Messages drifting on the Static - by Niteflier - 09-25-2010, 07:57 PM
[No subject] - by sweno - 09-26-2010, 12:49 AM
[No subject] - by dark seraph - 09-26-2010, 12:55 AM
[No subject] - by Niteflier - 09-26-2010, 01:15 AM
Dissapear. - by Niteflier - 10-02-2010, 09:18 PM
Primal Transference - by Niteflier - 10-19-2010, 08:54 PM

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