Character Name: Lazerun Atrum (Preat version of Lazerun Seraph aka, Broken Saber)
Allegiance: Warden, mainly due to the strong belifes of right and wrong instild by her perents
Major Contact Arcs: Katti (former Seer) tunnle rat
Laz's prents are minor hero's of the Hamidon War's, most noted for tehir part in the evacuation of Australia. Seraph and Michelle Atrum taught their daughters to do what they believe to be right. Laz has a younger sister called Girtrude Atrum.
Allegiance: Warden, mainly due to the strong belifes of right and wrong instild by her perents
Major Contact Arcs: Katti (former Seer) tunnle rat
Laz's prents are minor hero's of the Hamidon War's, most noted for tehir part in the evacuation of Australia. Seraph and Michelle Atrum taught their daughters to do what they believe to be right. Laz has a younger sister called Girtrude Atrum.