Hmm. Here's my list:
Character Name: Defibrillator. / Rhea Samuels (Praetorian native)
Powerset: Elec. / Empathy Controller
Allegiance: Loyalist/Responsibility (though that's taken a beating due to in-character interaction with other PCs; she's still Loyal, but she's loyal to the ideal of what she believes Cole wanted, and has begun to realize that his lieutenants are, well, monsters. She still thinks the Emperor is awesome with a side of wonderful, though.)
Major Contact Arcs: Kang, Alec Parson, has tagged along on a lot of Resistance stuff unknowingly (oops)
Notes: Rhea has the same personality, essentially, as Primal Earth Rheabeth, but was never mentally scarred the way Rhea!Prime was. Or perhaps it's better to say, she was fixed, by a mental health 'specialist'.
Character Name: Terri Knight
Powerset: Plant / Thorns Dominator
Resistance / Warden; she isn't after power, she just wants to share the love, man.
Major Contact Arcs: None, so far; she's just this girl, y'know?
Notes: Terri's powers come from plantlife. More specifically, Devouring Earth plantlife, typically in inhalable or edible form. She maintains that "they grow the BEST stuff, man" and that "it'll make a new woman out of you". She's living proof of that. Since she pals around with the Resistance, and since her powers derive from the DE, she's been labeled an eco-terrorist; she's also often referred to as a stoner chick, hippy, and 'Doctor' by those who like her particular hand-crafted (and perfectly safe, despite what detractors say) blends. She is pretty much the polar opposite of Primal Earth Terrence Knight. Won't it be fun when they meet? (Terri is a reboot, so her and Terr -have- already met, I'm just adjusting the backstory to better fit now that I can roll a hero with the right powersets.)
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Character Name: Defibrillator. / Rhea Samuels (Praetorian native)
Powerset: Elec. / Empathy Controller
Allegiance: Loyalist/Responsibility (though that's taken a beating due to in-character interaction with other PCs; she's still Loyal, but she's loyal to the ideal of what she believes Cole wanted, and has begun to realize that his lieutenants are, well, monsters. She still thinks the Emperor is awesome with a side of wonderful, though.)
Major Contact Arcs: Kang, Alec Parson, has tagged along on a lot of Resistance stuff unknowingly (oops)
Notes: Rhea has the same personality, essentially, as Primal Earth Rheabeth, but was never mentally scarred the way Rhea!Prime was. Or perhaps it's better to say, she was fixed, by a mental health 'specialist'.
Character Name: Terri Knight
Powerset: Plant / Thorns Dominator
Resistance / Warden; she isn't after power, she just wants to share the love, man.
Major Contact Arcs: None, so far; she's just this girl, y'know?
Notes: Terri's powers come from plantlife. More specifically, Devouring Earth plantlife, typically in inhalable or edible form. She maintains that "they grow the BEST stuff, man" and that "it'll make a new woman out of you". She's living proof of that. Since she pals around with the Resistance, and since her powers derive from the DE, she's been labeled an eco-terrorist; she's also often referred to as a stoner chick, hippy, and 'Doctor' by those who like her particular hand-crafted (and perfectly safe, despite what detractors say) blends. She is pretty much the polar opposite of Primal Earth Terrence Knight. Won't it be fun when they meet? (Terri is a reboot, so her and Terr -have- already met, I'm just adjusting the backstory to better fit now that I can roll a hero with the right powersets.)
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs