It remains to be see if all the "TORtanic" hype is more than just fear-mongering, but it sounds like the early scuttlebutt is caused by the 1.1 patch, which has made PvP utterly unbalanced, allowing the Empire side players to utterly dominate the Republic side. The issue was so extreme that the redsiders could literally camp the bluesider spawn points and just dance all over them.
Another issue that's making the rounds is that the ability to cancel a subscription appears to have gone suspiciously walkabout on their main page. They're blaming this on a browser issue, but it's interesting that a player who posted detailed instructions about exactly where to go on the Bioware site to cancel your subscription was publicly warned about posting spam and had his thread summarily closed by the admins. There's also been cases of people who canceled their subscription, and even have that fact reflected on their account details being charged for another month anyway. Or people who never wanted to leave who've been canceled and can't reactivate their accounts.
The news coming down the pipe is that the next big patch will institute a game-wide Nerf, which will effectively de-power all classes an estimated 15-20% across the board. No word yet if this is a confirmed rumor, but if it goes through, combined with all the other problems they've been having, *and* the way they've made playing blueside essentially pointless for their PvP community (and thus creating a situation where the PvP content never actually gets used, because half the conflict isn't even bothering to play the content anymore...,)
I'm still waiting to see how it all evens out, hype notwithstanding. But the early indicators aren't promising.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Another issue that's making the rounds is that the ability to cancel a subscription appears to have gone suspiciously walkabout on their main page. They're blaming this on a browser issue, but it's interesting that a player who posted detailed instructions about exactly where to go on the Bioware site to cancel your subscription was publicly warned about posting spam and had his thread summarily closed by the admins. There's also been cases of people who canceled their subscription, and even have that fact reflected on their account details being charged for another month anyway. Or people who never wanted to leave who've been canceled and can't reactivate their accounts.
The news coming down the pipe is that the next big patch will institute a game-wide Nerf, which will effectively de-power all classes an estimated 15-20% across the board. No word yet if this is a confirmed rumor, but if it goes through, combined with all the other problems they've been having, *and* the way they've made playing blueside essentially pointless for their PvP community (and thus creating a situation where the PvP content never actually gets used, because half the conflict isn't even bothering to play the content anymore...,)
I'm still waiting to see how it all evens out, hype notwithstanding. But the early indicators aren't promising.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.