Saw this on another board, so ninjaed it for our use. 
Magisterium Trial: Sic Semper Tyrannis
Requirments: Lore and Destiny slots unlocked. The trial will not queue otherwise.
Recommended: All Three Level Shifts. Rebirth, Barrier.
iXP: Advanced Psychic XP
Phase 0: The Calm Before The Storm
The league will be dropped into a very pretty map that also serves as the hospital. Gather up, listen to the pigtails, buff, and then run through the Dream Doctor's Rune to teleport to Nova Praetoria
Phase 1: Defeat ALL THE IDF
This is the Faceroll portion of the trial. 250 IDF stand between you and Tyrant. DEFEAT THEM ALL.
I am not entirely certain, but I believe that this fight uses the same spawns as the TPN Trial. Thus, no Seers or Warworks are present.
Phase 2:Battle Royale
Three AVs will spawn! Chimera, Shadowhunter, and Pendragon, each with their own gimmicks
Shadowhunter grows stronger when not in combat. When reduced to 40% health, he'll transform into a giant jackal like hound. Upon death, he infuses his allies with negative energy.
Pendragon is a Brute, and grows stronger with each attack. He also has a shield that can absorb damage. When defeated, Excalibur will fight on its own for a short time.
Chimera will target people with Rain of Arrows. If you see a target over your head, he's about to turn you into a pincushion. One won't kill you, but if a bunch of targeted people stand together the combined damage will wipe you out. He also frequently teleports around the map. Upon death, he activates a Dead man's trigger that... Does something. Never seen it in action.
Recommended order of defeat is Shadowhunter > Pendragon > Chimera.
Badge Challenge: Triple Threat
Defeat all three archvillains within 5 seconds(?!).
Phase 3: The Quills of Jocas
Black Swan will attack next. She has a few rather nasty tricks.
The most notable are the Quills of Jocas, which will randomly shutdown your incarnate abilities (Including Level shifts!) for a short time.
Black Swan will periodically teleport the league to her before using the Quills. She also has access to a Void Judgement.
The other deadly ability of Black Swan is her ability to open rifts to Shadow Earth that spawn adds and heal her. Destroy them as soon as they spawn.
Badge Challenge: Shadow Master
Never let six rifts to open at once during the entire fight. This is pretty easy. Just have some people set up to shut the portals.
Badge Challenge: Ready to Rumble
Defeat Black Swan within 8 minutes of starting the trial. This one requires a blend of strong DPS and builds that don't hinge on Incarnate Powers, as Black Swan can shut those off.
Phase 4: The Well's Champion
As soon as Black Swan goes down, a very spectacular cutscene will play. When it ends, you'll be on a new map, and your hitpoints will be critically low. A Rebirth will help heal the league to full.
During this phase, Tyrant will take control of the Hospital. If you die, you will be trapped inside until the Dream Doctor defeats the glowing red portal. He can pretty much solo it though.
During this Trial, Tyrant will be surrounded by Lights of the Well, that buff him. Fortunately, you have a new power: The Quills of Jocas. Stand near a light and press the power (On a convenient popup power tray) to stop Tyrant from drawing on the power of the well!
Tyrant has a few big attacks: A beam sweep, and an AOE lightning burn patch. The beams hit people in front of him, but are not particularly notable. The lightning (announced by a message that the "Air Crackles Around Tyrant!") will surround him and kill anyone who spends too much time in it. Standard burn patch rules apply.
There are two more mechanics I don't fully understand. One is Favor of the Well. The other revolves around periodic swarms of Olympian Guards spawning and running towards him. Fight well and don't die, and you should be fine.
Badge Challenge: The Hard Way
Defeat Tyrant while destroying no more than 12 Lights of the Well.
Badge Challenge: The Really Hard Way
This badge isn't needed to master the trial. Which is good, because it's ridiculous. Defeat Tyrant WITHOUT DESTROYING A SINGLE LIGHT OF THE WELL. If you manage this... Wow. Go you.
Phase 5: The End?
Upon Tyrant's defeat, he will immediately respawn! ...As a level 54-8 AV. Please choose your most hilarious attack and then take him down.
VOILA! You have defeated Tyrant and proven yourself champions of the well! By clearing this trial, you'll earn the Enemy of the State badge, and you'll have some iXP to put toward your Hybrid Slot. It also drops Emp. Merits as normal.

Magisterium Trial: Sic Semper Tyrannis
Requirments: Lore and Destiny slots unlocked. The trial will not queue otherwise.
Recommended: All Three Level Shifts. Rebirth, Barrier.
iXP: Advanced Psychic XP
Phase 0: The Calm Before The Storm
The league will be dropped into a very pretty map that also serves as the hospital. Gather up, listen to the pigtails, buff, and then run through the Dream Doctor's Rune to teleport to Nova Praetoria
Phase 1: Defeat ALL THE IDF
This is the Faceroll portion of the trial. 250 IDF stand between you and Tyrant. DEFEAT THEM ALL.
I am not entirely certain, but I believe that this fight uses the same spawns as the TPN Trial. Thus, no Seers or Warworks are present.
Phase 2:Battle Royale
Three AVs will spawn! Chimera, Shadowhunter, and Pendragon, each with their own gimmicks
Shadowhunter grows stronger when not in combat. When reduced to 40% health, he'll transform into a giant jackal like hound. Upon death, he infuses his allies with negative energy.
Pendragon is a Brute, and grows stronger with each attack. He also has a shield that can absorb damage. When defeated, Excalibur will fight on its own for a short time.
Chimera will target people with Rain of Arrows. If you see a target over your head, he's about to turn you into a pincushion. One won't kill you, but if a bunch of targeted people stand together the combined damage will wipe you out. He also frequently teleports around the map. Upon death, he activates a Dead man's trigger that... Does something. Never seen it in action.
Recommended order of defeat is Shadowhunter > Pendragon > Chimera.
Badge Challenge: Triple Threat
Defeat all three archvillains within 5 seconds(?!).
Phase 3: The Quills of Jocas
Black Swan will attack next. She has a few rather nasty tricks.
The most notable are the Quills of Jocas, which will randomly shutdown your incarnate abilities (Including Level shifts!) for a short time.
Black Swan will periodically teleport the league to her before using the Quills. She also has access to a Void Judgement.
The other deadly ability of Black Swan is her ability to open rifts to Shadow Earth that spawn adds and heal her. Destroy them as soon as they spawn.
Badge Challenge: Shadow Master
Never let six rifts to open at once during the entire fight. This is pretty easy. Just have some people set up to shut the portals.
Badge Challenge: Ready to Rumble
Defeat Black Swan within 8 minutes of starting the trial. This one requires a blend of strong DPS and builds that don't hinge on Incarnate Powers, as Black Swan can shut those off.
Phase 4: The Well's Champion
As soon as Black Swan goes down, a very spectacular cutscene will play. When it ends, you'll be on a new map, and your hitpoints will be critically low. A Rebirth will help heal the league to full.
During this phase, Tyrant will take control of the Hospital. If you die, you will be trapped inside until the Dream Doctor defeats the glowing red portal. He can pretty much solo it though.
During this Trial, Tyrant will be surrounded by Lights of the Well, that buff him. Fortunately, you have a new power: The Quills of Jocas. Stand near a light and press the power (On a convenient popup power tray) to stop Tyrant from drawing on the power of the well!
Tyrant has a few big attacks: A beam sweep, and an AOE lightning burn patch. The beams hit people in front of him, but are not particularly notable. The lightning (announced by a message that the "Air Crackles Around Tyrant!") will surround him and kill anyone who spends too much time in it. Standard burn patch rules apply.
There are two more mechanics I don't fully understand. One is Favor of the Well. The other revolves around periodic swarms of Olympian Guards spawning and running towards him. Fight well and don't die, and you should be fine.
Badge Challenge: The Hard Way
Defeat Tyrant while destroying no more than 12 Lights of the Well.
Badge Challenge: The Really Hard Way
This badge isn't needed to master the trial. Which is good, because it's ridiculous. Defeat Tyrant WITHOUT DESTROYING A SINGLE LIGHT OF THE WELL. If you manage this... Wow. Go you.
Phase 5: The End?
Upon Tyrant's defeat, he will immediately respawn! ...As a level 54-8 AV. Please choose your most hilarious attack and then take him down.
VOILA! You have defeated Tyrant and proven yourself champions of the well! By clearing this trial, you'll earn the Enemy of the State badge, and you'll have some iXP to put toward your Hybrid Slot. It also drops Emp. Merits as normal.