Sofaspud Wrote:I don't think it's "perfectly reasonable".What I have told people in private as they have PMed me, I have already checked ahead and cleared.
If you're operating under an NDA (formal or not), you are simply proving you are willing to violate it -- violate your word on keeping someone's secret. I find that ethically questionable and morally repugnant. If you're not operating under an NDA, then you're toying with folks for your own amusement. Which, okay, trolling for attention is a time-honored tradition on the 'net, but that doesn't make it less annoying.
If you have something to share, share it. If you don't have something to share, then knock it off. What you're doing right now is baiting, and truth be told, I find it irritating enough that whatever your news is, is likely to be poisoned by the fact that you felt it necessary to share it in this fashion.
Nobody is going to hold it against you if you know something you're not supposed to talk about. But playing the child and saying "I have a seeeeecrrreeett! But I'm not gonna tell youuuu!" is something most of us outgrew, with good reason.
That what has been in the works has been in the works has been an "open secret" for some time. Posting hints of that much was, I thought, entirely harmless. And in any case, our board here is kind of obscure and not known primarily as a gaming forum in any case.
It was not my intent to "troll" or tease maliciously. My intent was to let you guys know that I had an inside track to said project and by extension that meant that YOU did too. I figured anyone with any sense could read between the lines and figure out EXACTLY what was going on. It's been said before, both by others and acknowledged by myself - I am not the most subtle person around. I mean c'mon.
What I have said so far here in the open does not put the project in any danger. Again - I want to stress - I made sure of that before I posted.
I said above - all you have to do is ASK now and I'll tell you exactly what's going on. I felt you all deserved that much. I just should not say on a "live microphone" out in the open what's going on, is all. When I got confirmation that I could do that much, I made the above post.
In any case, since it's caused more than one of you to get pissed off at me regardless of my intent, I'm going to ask Bob if he thinks the thread should be locked or even deleted outright.