bah. Nebber mind Fred. Part of me is loopy from sleep deprevation
thanks to a little somethings called Phoenix from the Ashes and
Avalonians and Questors. WHich I started ... dang. Just to tease you
further I'm gonna claim 72 hours ago. I dont *think* I've slept for
more than 4-5 hours total since I started reading?
Do I need to put a warning on those stories to ensure people don't do this to themselves when they read it?
also, which one comes next? The Questor Saga: The Dark Lady and the
Black Crow or The Angels of the Era of Eternity? or are they sorta
concurrent, detailing events that are semi occuring in parrallell ell
elll ell Lol?
Well, that depends on how my muses run, so I can't answer that.
thanks to a little somethings called Phoenix from the Ashes and
Avalonians and Questors. WHich I started ... dang. Just to tease you
further I'm gonna claim 72 hours ago. I dont *think* I've slept for
more than 4-5 hours total since I started reading?
Do I need to put a warning on those stories to ensure people don't do this to themselves when they read it?
also, which one comes next? The Questor Saga: The Dark Lady and the
Black Crow or The Angels of the Era of Eternity? or are they sorta
concurrent, detailing events that are semi occuring in parrallell ell
elll ell Lol?
Well, that depends on how my muses run, so I can't answer that.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. Warship approaching it: "This is a lighthouse. Your call!"