I'm just staying neutral. No expectations, no hopes or anything. If it comes through, I suspect my emotional balance will shift, but until then, I go on with my day, and read the occasional update that makes its way to the forums or Facebook. Life goes on.
Right now I'm trying to find a decent group that plays regularly on CO. I miss regular hero gaming, and while CO isn't everything I wanted it to be (the serious lack of task force content is a pain for end game grouping,) but I keep hoping. If nothing else, they just released a new story arc, and that might ramp up the content a little. But it's rough finding groups to run with, because so many of them *look* okay on the surface, but turn out to be juvenile or insulting when I group with them.
I'm also considering the War of the Light part 2 update on DCUO. They'll release Star Sapphires in that update, so that might be fun to play. But only if I can find a group that I like gaming with. Again, see above for the problems I tend to have with groups.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.