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The Holy Circle - Ogden Matthias, 4E
The Holy Circle - Ogden Matthias, 4E
"Playing with GURPS Powers" plus "looking at Bob's website" equals "updated character sheets"... although this is the first conversion from GURPS Third Edition that I've done, so I may have goofed somewhere.
I'm still working on a conversion of Alvin Russet, but my conversion of Ogden Matthias is finished, so here it is. Bob, if this conversion is correct, it's yours to do with as you see fit.

Ogden Matthias
691 points
ST 11 (10)
DX 13 (60)
IQ 16 (120)
HT 15 (50)
HP 15 (8)
Will 16 (0)
Per 16 (0)
FP 11 (-12)
Basic Lift 24
Damage 1d-1 th / 1d+1 sw
Basic Speed 4.5 (-50)
Basic Move 4 (0)
Social Background
TL: 8 (0)
Cultural Familiarities: Western (0)
Languages: English (native) (0)
Charisma +10 (50); Patron: powerful individual, generic (+100%), appears on 15- (60); Reputation: +3, everyone, all the time (15); Status 5 (20); Voice (10); Wealth: Filthy Rich (50).
Mind Control: area effect 60yd (+300%), independant (+70%), no signature (+20%), reliable +9 (power roll is 25; +45%), suggestion (-40%), telepathic (-10%), power can be transmitted through audio signals (+40%), targets must hear his voice (-20%), only one message: "You will obey me" (-40%) (233)
Fanaticism: God's Kingdom of Supers (-15); Secret: leader of a subversive revolutionary movement (-30); Sense of Duty: to supers (-10); Vow: If he can prevent it, supers will never be persecuted (-10).
Subtle and careful -- a long-term planner for everything; Always carries a brass-handled cane; Insists on good PR, no matter what; Knows enough to trust expert opinions, if they're experts he can trust; Rationalizes evil deeds done for a good cause. (-5)
Administration-16 (IQ) (2); Area Knowledge: NYC-18 (IQ+2) (4); Bicycling-14 (DX+1) (2); Broadsword-15 (DX+2) (8); Computer Operation-16 (IQ) (1); Detect Lies-18 (Per+2) (12); Diplomacy-19 (IQ+Voice+1) (8); Economics-14 (IQ-2) (1); Intimidation-19 (Will+3) (12); Leadership-20 (IQ+4) (16); Occultism-16 (IQ) (2); Performance-21 (IQ+Voice+3) (12); Public Speaking-21 (IQ+Voice+3) (12); Psychology-17 (IQ+1) (8); Savoir-Faire: high society-20 (IQ+4) (12); Strategy: land-17 (IQ+1) (8); Swimming-15 (HT) (1); Theology: Christianity-19 (IQ+3) (16).
Non-Super Equipment
Tactical Vest (DR 12, 9 lbs.), worn only during public appearances.
Brass-handled cane (Can be used in combat as a light club, +2 to damage from the metal head: Damage sw+3 cr, Reach 1, 5 lbs.).

(Edit: Left off a couple of point costs...)
(Edit: Changed "accurate" to "reliable".)
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

Messages In This Thread
The Holy Circle - Ogden Matthias, 4E - by robkelk - 06-23-2006, 02:14 PM
Re: The Holy Circle - Ogden Matthias, 4E - by NotDavies - 06-24-2006, 07:51 PM

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