All very good points. Many thanks for the help on working out the kinks on the Deltas, it is much appreciated, as I have said before, my GURPS-Fu has gotten weak and flabby from disuse. Hopefully I can find another chunk of free time soon in which to revise and finalize the write-up of them.
After that, it's on to the next aliens and maybe finally adding a few more details about the invasion, the aliens and some of the post-Y2K Invasion developments.
Oh, and my absolutely insane "One With The Works" timeline...
Michael R. Smith (
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (
Trek This! Wordpress (
My Blog (
After that, it's on to the next aliens and maybe finally adding a few more details about the invasion, the aliens and some of the post-Y2K Invasion developments.
Oh, and my absolutely insane "One With The Works" timeline...
Michael R. Smith (
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (
Trek This! Wordpress (
My Blog (