Just curious as to whether there was any development in the area of power-dampening or such technologies in the IST setting. I don't recall anything, other than the Deep Sleep Cells for dealing with metacriminals, but I could be mistaken and a cursory glance at my pdf of IST didn't show anything. I am assuming the answer is "no" and that for those prisoners not remanded to Deep Sleep, specialized methods for countering individual powers were needed. I know some psi-tech existed in the form of psi-shields and such for dealing specifically with psychic abilities, but I don't recall there being anything that neutralized non-psi abilities reliably.
Michael R. Smith (lastfreehuman@gmail.com)
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Michael R. Smith (lastfreehuman@gmail.com)
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (http://istaleph.wordpress.com/)
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (http://twitter.com/IstAleph/)
Trek This! Wordpress (http://dthiller.wordpress.com/)
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